One Identity

Aliso Viejo, CA, USA
  |  By Gabe Nichols
The world is becoming more cloud-native every day. Infrastructure spending is estimated to rise by 19.3 percent in 2024, partly driven by ‘new and existing mission-critical workloads.’ Investment and innovation is going hand-in-hand, as new and established businesses race to modernize architecture and provision applications. At the same time, many are demanding hyperscale and high-performance cloud providers to run AI and machine learning services.
  |  By Alan Radford
Quantum computing is poised to revolutionize the world. From simulating atoms and molecules to mapping and modeling in medicine, the potential use cases are vast and still unfolding. It may seem far on the horizon, but for those in cybersecurity, especially privileged access management, now is the time to start planning.
  |  By Gabe Nichols
We're excited to announce new capabilities of One Identity’s Cloud PAM Essentials, launched in March 2024, featuring our innovative Secure Gateway secure tunnel solution. This groundbreaking product offers a VPN-less solution designed to provide secure, seamless access to your critical resources. The journey from initiation to market release took just nine months, a testament to our team's dedication and efficiency.
  |  By Csaba Galffy
Do we need a new cybersecurity framework? According to Gartner, the answer is yes. Since 2022, they have championed CTEM, a five-stage approach designed to shrink attack surfaces and minimize cyber threat exposure through continuous risk assessment and mitigation. At its core, CTEM advocates for regularly testing your defenses to find vulnerabilities in your system and fortify your organization’s security with risk mitigation strategies.
  |  By Vipin Jain
Managing access to resources efficiently and securely within today’s complex IT environments is paramount. Two prominent access control models, Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC), play crucial roles in this endeavor. Understanding their relationship and how they can be integrated is essential for optimizing security and operational efficiency.
  |  By Alan Radford
Machine identities are growing faster than human identities, with a growth rate of 10 to 45 times higher. This complexity is compounded as more organizations adopt multi-cloud and hybrid strategies, a trend forecasted to continue through 2024. There’s also the rise in endpoints, as more machines become IoT-connected, leading to widening attack surfaces.
  |  By Vipin Jain
Securing non-human identities is just as critical as managing human ones in today's complex IT landscapes. Non-human identities, such as service accounts, application identities, and IoT devices, play pivotal roles in automation and system integration. Managing these identities in hybrid environments, where on-premises Active Directory (AD) integrates with cloud-based Entra ID (formerly Azure AD), presents unique challenges.
  |  By Bruce Esposito
Account creation is no longer as simple as entering a username and password. At least, in the modern enterprise, where a login often means unlocking access to applications, system and networks. IT leaders face the challenge of balancing accessibility with the protection of the valuable data held within. And at a time when the average organization’s employees are using 1,000+ separate apps.
  |  By Csaba Galffy
Security budgets naturally compete with other priorities for funding, and finance departments traditionally prioritize immediate financial gains over long-term investments. Cybersecurity, with its focus on prevention, is often seen as an element that’s ‘nice to have’ rather than a necessity. Especially when compared to tangible projects with quicker returns, cybersecurity initiatives can be left chronically underfunded. Where do we spend? And where are the attacks coming from?
  |  By Csaba Galffy
The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a seismic shift in how we work, propelling remote work from a niche option to the mainstream. Organizations scrambled to adapt, often prioritizing business continuity over security. However, as the dust settles, it's clear that this new normal of remote work isn't going anywhere. This presents a significant challenge: how do we secure a workforce that's no longer confined within the traditional office perimeter?
  |  By One Identity
Join us for the third and final installment of a three-part webinar series presented by Intragen and One Identity. In this webinar, experts will cover how to boost identity security by looking at specific advanced use cases. Demos will include enhancing RDP security, securing B2B authentication, protecting SaaS admins and smart migration from Okta to OneLogin.
  |  By One Identity
What do some of the top breaches in recent history have in common? They were all targeted through identities, despite all having credential-based cybersecurity tools in place. Join Larry Chinksi, SVP of Corporate IAM Strategy at One Identity, for a session on why traditional IAM tools are not enough to protect organizations in today’s ever-evolving identity landscape.
  |  By One Identity
Larry Chinski, SVP of Corporate IAM Strategy at One Identity and Martin Kuppinger, Principal Analyst at KuppingerCole, discuss their key takeaways of EIC 2024 in Berlin. Join them as they explore the drivers of growth in the identity management market, current industry trends and where the market is headed.
  |  By One Identity
Join us for the second installment of a three-part webinar series presented by Intragen and One Identity. In this webinar, experts will look at specific use cases focused on One Identity’s IDaaS for small to medium businesses. Demos will include seamless onboarding and offboarding, OneLogin password resets, dynamic MFA options and passwordless authentication in action.
  |  By One Identity
Explore how Intragen and One Identity join forces to revolutionize identity security. In this short video, discover how Intragen helps clients map out their identity security journey, identify vulnerabilities and prepare for future cyber threats. See how One Identity’s leading technology is seamlessly integrated to enhance security and protect organizations, guiding them every step of the way to robust cybersecurity.
  |  By One Identity
Join us for the first installment of a three-part webinar series presented by Intragen and OneLogin. Stuart Sharp, VP of OneLogin Product Strategy at One Identity, and Kalle Niemi, Lead Business Consultant at Intragen, dive into the identity and access management (IAM) market. They explore how companies should approach access management projects and cover latest trends and developments in identity security, how to craft an elevated IAM strategy and where the IAM market is headed.
  |  By One Identity
Larry Chinski, One Identity VP of Corporate Strategy, announces that One Identity was chosen as a leading vendor for SAP’s IGA customers, following SAP’s announcement of the end-of-life for SAP Identity Manager. One Identity Manager was selected as the IGA replacement solution for SAP customers due to its well-established market presence and robust SAP solutions support.
  |  By One Identity
Larry Chinski, One Identity VP of Corporate Strategy, announces two prestigious recognitions One Identity has received in 2024. As the market shifts towards a holistic approach to cybersecurity, consolidating fragmented cybersecurity silos is top-of-mind for many organizations, and One Identity is proud to be leading the charge.
  |  By One Identity
Larry Chinski, One Identity VP of Corporate Strategy, explains why One Identity has been recognized as a leader in the 2024 KuppingerCole Identity Fabrics Leadership Compass. This validates that One Identity’s functional convergence and integration of privileged access management, access management, identity governance and administration and Active Directory management is setting the standard in the market.
  |  By One Identity
In this video you will learn about the benefits of integrating OneLogin and Active Roles.
  |  By One Identity
Maintaining Active Directory (AD) in a clean, organized and secure state is a challenge, particularly for user accounts. Learn 10 steps you can take to enhance the agility, security, and performance of Active Directory and Azure Active Directory. This process is key to efficiency, security and compliance. We will take you through each step, demonstrate why it's important and what it will enable your team to do faster and more securely.
  |  By One Identity
What if you could take your organization's governance of identities and access rights of users, and extend it to protect privileged access, applications, cloud infrastructure and data? What if you had an entire identity governance framework under which you could integrate and manage all your systems? Then, you could extend a comprehensive and efficient identity governance strategy across your entire organization.
  |  By One Identity
Now, there's no reason why you can't have a complete view of all your identities and rights, from standard-user to privileged users. One Identity's Privileged Access Governance (PAG) bridges the management gap. Learn how you can use account provisioning and access governance capabilities of an identity governance and administration (IGA) system while continuing to leverage your privilege account, access- and session-management capabilities of PAM technologies.
  |  By One Identity
One of the most important aspects of an identity security program is the management and governance of the accounts belonging to superusers - privileged accounts. Like the accounts used by regular users, these superuser accounts require access management - ensuring that admins have the access they need to do their job - and governance - ensuring that there is oversight and control over that access, often for the purpose of compliance.
  |  By One Identity
With the complexity of today's IT landscape and the critical role that privileged access security plays in protecting what's essential to your organization - your people, your applications and your data - it's more important than ever to have an effective privileged access management (PAM) cybersecurity strategy.
  |  By One Identity
You've got nearly all the pieces in place - you've implemented enterprise user provisioning, password management and have secured your organization's data. However, most days you still feel that sensitive data, such as IP or customer information, is at risk for a data breach. It's time to let a secure Data Governance strategy protect your sensitive data and reduce risk. Why, you ask? Take a look at this e-Book to learn ten reasons why.

One Identity delivers solutions that help customers strengthen operational efficiency, reduce risk surface, control costs and enhance their cybersecurity. Our Unified Identity Platform brings together best-in-class software to enable organizations to shift from a fragmented identity strategy to a holistic approach.

Control identity sprawl and bring governance to the far reaches of your enterprise. See how you can unify your identity security strategy from on-prem to the cloud and back again with our modular and integrated Identity Governance and Administration (IGA), Access Management (AM), Privileged Access Management (PAM), and Active Directory Management (AD Mgmt) portfolios.

Solutions for your most-critical challenges:

  • Secure the organization: Protect the people, applications and data that are essential to business with unified identity security.
  • Drive operational efficiencies: Streamline process, reduce errors and minimize complexity associated with managing identities.
  • Enable compliance and auditing: Satisfy regulatory, industry, and jurisdictional requirements related to identity security.
  • Support digital transformation: Take measured steps to ensure digital transformation initiatives stay in line with identity security best practices.
  • Enhance log management: Reliably collect, store and manage logs from hundreds of systems across the enterprise.

Unify, Verify and Adapt.