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Stephen Balkam explains how parents can keep their children safe online

It’s a concern for families everywhere: keeping kids safe online. For parents with teenagers, there’s the added complication of trying to balance a child’s safety with their right to privacy. But is online safety just families’ problem?

A guide to developer secrets and shadow IT for security teams

This is the final post in a series about shadow IT. In this series, we’ve detailed how and why teams use unapproved apps and devices, and cybersecurity approaches for securely managing it. For a complete overview of the topics discussed in this series, download Managing the unmanageable: How shadow IT exists across every team – and how to wrangle it.

Random but Memorable - Episode 12.5: Family Online Safety Sandwich with Stephen Balkham from FOSI

How can we make the online world safer for our kids and families? This episode, we learn how to strike a harmonious balance of online privacy and security with founder of the Family Online Safety Institute, Stephen Balkham. Tune in to hear his top tips for keeping our kids and families digital lives safe.

Understanding and securing shadow IT for HR, finance, and marketing

This is the third in a series of four posts about shadow IT, including how and why teams use unapproved apps and devices, and approaches for securely managing it. For a complete overview of the topics discussed in this series, download Managing the unmanageable: How shadow IT exists across every team – and how to wrangle it.

Random but Memorable - Episode 12.4: Change Future Banter Rating with Verity Harding

How can we shape the future of AI and make sure it's used for good? We sit down with Verity Harding, author of the newly released: AI Needs You: How We Can Change AI's Future and Save Our Own. 🦸‍♂️🤖 Tune in for the historical lessons we can learn from previous tech revolutions of the twentieth-century – from the space race to the internet – and how they can empower us to join the conversation about AI and its possible futures.

Employee productivity and worker burnout, and how they impact shadow IT

This is the second in a series of four posts about shadow IT, including how and why teams use unapproved apps and devices, and approaches for securely managing it. For a complete overview of the topics discussed in this series, download Managing the unmanageable: How shadow IT exists across every team – and how to wrangle it.