Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Security's Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA) Triad - Outdated or Still Relevant?

Are confidentiality, integrity, and availability still enough, or is it time to evolve our thinking? Join Chris Lindsey and a panel of tech leaders from leading enterprises, for a dynamic discussion on the relevance of the CIA Triad in modern security practices. Chapters: CIA Triad Basics and CVSS Scoring (0:00 - 0:55) Expanded Impact Metrics (0:55 - 2:02) Additional Impact Considerations (2:02 - 2:45) Historical Context and Evolution (3:01 - 3:41) Modern Challenges and Limitations (3:41 - 5:21) Risk-Based Prioritization (5:48 - 6:22) Business Communication Value (6:26 - 8:18)

Top 8 RBAC Tools Every Kubernetes Admin Should Know

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is important for managing permissions in Kubernetes environments, ensuring that users have the appropriate level of access to resources. However, organizations often encounter challenges in effectively managing their role-based access control systems, which can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues. Below are the best RBAC tools for managing Kubernetes RBAC, ensuring compliance and enhancing security within cloud-native applications.

Mend AppSec Platform Deep Dive

Watch Josh Newton demonstrate how the Mend AppSec Platform streamlines security across your codebase and software supply chain. Key Highlights: Intuitive Interface: Experience the ease of navigating the Mend AppSec Platform. Comprehensive Security Coverage: See how the platform addresses a wide range of security vulnerabilities. Seamless Integration: Discover how the platform seamlessly integrates into your existing development workflows. P.S.

Disable Core Dump Backtraces and Why

A core dump is a snapshot capturing the state of a program at the moment it crashes. This memory dump includes the processors state and the program's memory, including variables, program data, and processor registers. The data stored in core dump files, also records the contents of the system memory and CPU registers. Backtraces are generated during a program crash. They show the sequence of function calls leading to the crash called the call stack.

Become The Master Of Disaster: Disaster Recovery Plan for DevOps

Ensuring business continuity requires more than just robust pipelines and agile practices in DevOps. A well-designed Disaster Recovery Plan is critical to mitigate risks, recover swiftly from failures, and ensure your data and infrastructure integrity. Contents hide 1 Are there any myths related to DR in DevOps?

Introducing GitGuardian's New Auto-ignore False Positive Playbook

We are proud to announce our new Auto-ignore false positive playbook. We've added this new automated Playbook to the GitGuardian Secret Detection platform to eliminate false positives from your incident queue and help you focus on actionable alerts. In the summer of 2024, we released FP remover, our internal machine learning model, that can significantly reduce false positives by understanding code context and semantics. In our testing it eliminates up to 80% of false positives.