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The Policy Expert: RDS: Authentication for remote connections by using Network Level Authentication

This policy setting allows you to specify whether to require user authentication for remote connections to the RD Session Host server by using Network Level Authentication (NLA). This policy setting enhances security by requiring that user authentication occur earlier in the remote connection process. If you enable this policy setting, only client computers that support Network Level Authentication can connect to the RD Session Host server.

The Policy Expert: Lan Manager Authentication Level

LAN Manager (LM) is a family of early Microsoft client/server software that allows users to link personal computers together on a single network. Network capabilities include transparent file and print sharing, user security features, and network administration tools. In Active Directory if the Kerberos protocol is not negotiated for some reason, Active Directory will use LM, NTLM, or NTLMv2.

The Policy Expert: Do Not Allow Supported Plug and Play Device Redirection

This policy setting allows you to control the redirection of supported Plug and Play devices, such as Windows Portable Devices, to the remote computer in a Remote Desktop Services session. By default, Remote Desktop Services allows redirection of supported Plug and Play devices.

The Policy Expert: MMS: IP Source Routing Protection Level

IP source routing is a mechanism that allows the sender to determine the IP route that a datagram should take through the network. An attacker could use source routed packets to obscure their identity and location. Source routing allows a computer that sends a packet to specify the route that the packet takes.

The Chicken & Egg Secret Protection Problem in Micro-services

Alice keeps all her passwords in an Excel file on her desktop. However, she was told it is a very bad practice, since Eve can easily get access to the computer, read the file,and access Alice passwords and accounts. To enhance her security, Alice got a password protection software, KeePass, and she now saves all her passwords safely there – except for her KeePass password, which Alice keeps in an Excel file on her desktop. ‍Good news for Eve...

It's All About the Baselines: Security Edition

I am all about the baselines. I’ve made an entire career out of them. But if you were to ask a random person on the street what that means, the reaction would be: “Who the heck are you, and why are you asking me random weird questions.” So it would be better if you found someone in the tech industry at least.

TripAdvisor: Building a Testing Framework for Integrating Open Policy Agent into Kubernetes

From the Open Policy Agent Summit at KubeCon, Luke Massa from TripAdvisor discusses how he leveraged OPA’s API and unit test framework. The example shown is a system in which you write k8s admission policy alongside some mock changes to the cluster, some of which should be accepted and some of which should not be, and then run code that tells you whether your policy matches your expectation.