
Portland, OR, USA
  |  By Graham Cluley
Don't worry, I'm not trying to conjure images in your mind of Rod Stewart in his iconic leopard print trousers. Instead, I want to warn you about a cybercrime group that has gained notoriety for attacking VMware ESXi servers since February 2024.
  |  By Emily Newton
Artificial intelligence (AI) has emerged as a promising solution to modernize power grids. The technology, alongside other upgrades like Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity, could make energy infrastructure more reliable and sustainable. However, AI power grids also pose significant cybersecurity risks. Attacks against critical infrastructure are becoming more common. As energy authorities ramp up their investments in AI, they should pay attention to these risks to enable a safer tech transformation.
  |  By Jay Thakkar
In our technologically advanced era, where cyber threats and data breaches are constantly evolving, it's crucial for companies to focus on Security Configuration Management (SCM) to protect their resources and information. Whether dealing with infrastructure, cloud services, industrial installations, or outsourced solutions, each environment presents unique security challenges that require customized approaches and tools for effective protection.
  |  By Dilki Rathnayake
Cybersecurity has become an integral part of our daily lives, impacting everyone around the world. However, the question arises: are rules and regulations alone sufficient to make cyberspace secure? Ethics, which are the principles that guide our decisions and help us discern right from wrong, play a crucial role in this context. They aim to create positive impacts and promote the betterment of society.
  |  By Matthew Jerzewski
Vulnerability management is a foundational cornerstone for reducing your organization’s cyber risk, but what are vulnerabilities and why is it important to create a strong vulnerability management program?
  |  By Tripwire Guest Authors
As our interactions with the digital world grow, connections will be established within seconds, leading to more online attacks. One type of attack we may be exposed to is known as a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) — a technique cyber attackers use to take over our online communications. The best way to stay safe online is with a better understanding of the problems caused by these digital attacks and identification of the dangers and consequences they entail.
  |  By Josh Breaker-Rolfe
In recent years, cloud technology has become integral to business operations. Compared to on-premises infrastructure, it allows for improved scalability and flexibility, cost savings, collaboration, security, and data loss prevention. The cloud computing market is set to reach $679 billion in value in 2024. But what are the trends currently defining the cloud computing market?
  |  By Joe Pettit
A career in cybersecurity can be rewarding, challenging, and, frankly, lucrative. But it's not the easiest industry to break into: the skills required for a cybersecurity role are both niche and specific, the bar for entry is relatively high, and there are very few entry-level jobs available. But don't be disheartened. The cybersecurity industry is crying out for fresh talent. With hard work, a little luck, and the right advice, you can set yourself up for a long and satisfying career in cybersecurity.
  |  By Graham Cluley
A new strain of the HardBit ransomware has emerged in the wild. It contains a protection mechanism in an attempt to prevent analysis from security researchers.
  |  By Joe Pettit
Companies often go for high-end cybersecurity solutions because dealing with complex problems looks impressive. The appeal of fancy tech and advanced security challenges gives them a sense of achievement and a chance to show off their skills - and says they're serious about staying ahead of cyber crooks. However, this isn't always the best strategy.
  |  By Tripwire
Tripwire Enterprise provides powerful integrity monitoring at your fingertips. Discover six ways Fortra's Tripwire Enterprise can help you uplevel your security and compliance program.
  |  By Tripwire
Check out the on-demand recording of our first Tripwire/Belden Industrial Security Pub Talk. You'll hear a panel of industry experts weigh in on questions.
  |  By Tripwire
Join cybersecurity experts Tim Erlin and Dr. Ed Amoroso for a on-demand discussion around the current ransomware threat landscape and techniques you can use to stay a step ahead of ransomware attacks.
  |  By Tripwire
Join Anthony Israel Davis as he looks at how compliance compliments a security program, the differences between security and compliance, and tips for how you can build a program that is both secure and audit-ready
  |  By Tripwire
Join Tripwire’s Mike Betti and Brian Cusack a panel webcast where they walk you through common use cases to show how worthwhile an investment in the 20 CIS Controls can be.
  |  By Tripwire
Let us help you sharpen your Tripwire Enterprise operational know-how with this session of the Tripwire Tips and Tricks: Change Reconciliation. Sales engineer Mike Betti will teach you how it can be used to.
  |  By Tripwire
Tripwire Change Analyzer automates the verification and promotion of “known good” and business as usual changes that are the result of software updates, upgrades, and patches, saving IT organizations time, reducing human error, and increasing efficiency. Tripwire Change Analyzer also works in concert with Tripwire Enterprise to deliver alert notifications and granular details needed for rapid response when unexpected, unauthorized, or high-risk changes are detected. Check out this quick start tutorial video on how to get started with using Tripwire Change Analyzer.
  |  By Tripwire
Tripwire Change Analyzer automates the verification and promotion of “known good” and business as usual changes that are the result of software updates, upgrades, and patches, saving IT organizations time, reducing human error, and increasing efficiency. Tripwire Change Analyzer also works in concert with Tripwire Enterprise to deliver alert notifications and granular details needed for rapid response when unexpected, unauthorized, or high-risk changes are detected. Check out this quick start tutorial video on how to get started with using Tripwire Change Analyzer.
  |  By Tripwire
IT and OT environments are increasingly interconnected, presenting the need for cybersecurity specialists to secure devices across multiple landscapes. By collecting and contextualizing data across your environments, Tripwire can help to monitor your complex systems and achieve a more robust cybersecurity posture.
  |  By Tripwire
In this episode, Ian Thornton-Trump, CISO at Cyjax, digests nation state's disinformation campaigns and the cybersecurity landscape. He also discusses the role disinformation on social media plays in cybersecurity.
  |  By Tripwire
Learn how to use security File Integrity Monitoring effectively and strategically in your organization.
  |  By Tripwire
Achieving DevOps security is as much a cultural effort as it is a technical one, and quality gates present the perfect opportunity to bridge the gap. Because they function within the bounds of regular DevOps processes, tools that bake security into the CI/CD pipeline by way of quality gates are more likely to win DevOps teams over.
  |  By Tripwire
Learn how Log Management can complement SIEM, Security Analytics and Big Data tools within your organization.
  |  By Tripwire
Establish and sustain the Four Essential Pillars of Federal Cybersecurity
  |  By Tripwire
How to introduce security without losing the benefits of containers.
  |  By Tripwire
Learn best practices to mitigate risk, automate compliance and reduce costs.
  |  By Tripwire
Your 10-point DevOps Aligning DevOps and security is more than a matter of getting the right tools in place-it requires a cultural overhaul, too. That means taking a holistic approach to security that makes room for extra training and communication, as well as security tools designed specifically for DevOps. checklist.
  |  By Tripwire
Given the challenges facing those responsible for securing enterprise computing environments, there is no better time to have the integrity talk.
  |  By Tripwire
Your 10-point DevOps security checklist.
  |  By Tripwire
Building a Foundation for Cyber Integrity

Tripwire is a leading provider of integrity assurance solutions that drive security, compliance and operational excellence. As the inventor of file integrity monitoring (FIM), Tripwire has a 20-year history of innovation. Tripwire’s award-winning portfolio includes configuration management, file integrity management, asset discovery, vulnerability management and log collection.

Stop Attacks, Upgrade Operations and Prove Compliance:

  • Monitor system integrity: Tripwire’s industry-leading FIM detects changes on assets across your enterprise, from on-premise data center to public cloud, and remediate them to a known and trusted state. Know who changed your systems with Tripwire Enterprise FIM.
  • Manage network vulnerabilities: Discover and profile all assets on your network with Tripwire IP360. Minimize manual effort through integration with your existing tools and processes. Get complete asset discovery with Tripwire’s easy system remediation.
  • Automate regulatory compliance: Reduce audit workload by leveraging the most extensive policy library in the industry. Automate workflows to achieve and maintain compliance over time with monitoring, audit evidence and reports.
  • Maximize operations uptime: Detect, audit and validate changes across your network to flag unauthorized changes for investigation, reduce unplanned work and speed up MTTR when incidents occur.

Protect against cyberattacks with the industry’s best foundational security controls. Detect threats, identify vulnerabilities, and harden configurations in real time with Tripwire.