Outpost 24

Karlskrona, Sweden
  |  By KrakenLabs
The threat group USDoD posted on a dark web forum on July 24th to claim they’ve got hold of a large database of threat actors compiled by CrowdStrike. So far, the threat actor has released only a small sample of the data, but the forum post below claims that over 250 million records have been exposed. This could provide information on the aliases, recent activities, origins, and motivations of various cybercriminal groups and state-sponsored actors.
  |  By Filip Nyquist
In November 2023, while conducting a security assessment on a client’s instance of the Oracle Integration Cloud Platform, I discovered a medium severity vulnerability nestled within the handling of the “consumer_url” URL parameter. This flaw unveiled a Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) vector that could be exploited by a user with malicious intent.
  |  By KrakenLabs
Every month, we bring you some of the key findings from Outpost24’s Threat Intelligence team, KrakenLabs. Here’s what you need to know from July.
  |  By Outpost 24
Held in Breda, Netherlands, this year’s Cyber Resilience Day convened industry leaders and cybersecurity experts to address the topic of supply chain attacks and the latest digital threats. The event showcased a series of keynote speeches, panel discussions, and interactive workshops, equipping attendees with valuable insights and actionable strategies to strengthen their organizations’ cyber resilience.
  |  By KrakenLabs
While reviewing common TTPs in malware campaigns used last year Outpost24’s Cyber Threat Intelligence team, KrakenLabs, came across several reports and articles describing a novel infection technique being used to distribute various types of malware not necessarily related to each other. For example, this article analyzing Amadey and this one talking about Redline.
  |  By Outpost 24
AI risk and security management is unsurprisingly Gartner’s number one strategic technology trend for 2024. But you might be less familiar with number two: Continuous Threat Exposure Management (CTEM). Coined by Gartner in 2022, CTEM isn’t just another buzzy acronym – it’s a powerful process that can help continuously manage cyber hygiene and risk across your online environment.
  |  By KrakenLabs
It had already been a challenging few weeks for Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. as they faced down a lawsuit from The Justice Department regarding anti-competitive practices. Things got worse at the end of May when a cybercriminal known as “SpidermanData” claimed to have breached a huge database of 560 million records (including personal and financial data) belonging to TicketMaster Entertainment, LLC – a Live Nation company.
  |  By Outpost 24
Today, Outpost24 introduced its exposure management platform alongside plans for its future. The Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform is a single platform for all of the exposure management offerings Outpost24 has today and will add tomorrow. With The Outpost24 Exposure Management Platform, organizations can: The Outpost24 Exposure Management platform is built to be tailored to what matters most to a specific organization. Powerful protection without the bloat offered with some other platforms,
  |  By Timothy Hjort
During some standard research as part of the Outpost24 Vulnerability Research Department, I discovered 5 vulnerabilities in Zyxel NAS devices: The vulnerabilities were disclosed to Zyxel on 2024-03-14 as part of our responsible disclosure policy, and have been resolved at the time of publishing this post (2024.06.04).
  |  By Marcus White
What happens when your organization’s domain name expires or changes? Expired domains don’t simply disappear, and they can even become attack routes into your organization. Recent news out of Belgium has highlighted the potential danger, with hundreds of expired domain names and email addresses of government services being found available for purchase online.
  |  By Outpost 24
There’s a gap between the identification of vulnerabilities and the IT resource available to remediate them within the timeframe hackers operate. With Outscan NX and Farsight, the vulnerability risk management process becomes more streamlined and efficient, enabling organizations to proactively address the biggest risk first to optimize security resource.
  |  By Outpost 24
Penetration testing is an effective way to detect flaws in your application before they turn into a serious threat, helping you better understand the applications attack surface. But in the always-on economy there comes a problem - traditional pen testing delivery takes weeks to set up and the results are point in time, which leaves critical application vulnerabilities exposed longer than it should - given the average time for a threat actor to weaponize a new vulnerability is only 7 days.
  |  By Outpost 24
Ransomware has continued to grow in maturity throughout the first half of 2021. As businesses struggle to understand yet another major attack that hit the Kaseya supply chain, organizations are beginning to realize data backups and cyber insurance alone won’t save them.
  |  By Outpost 24
APIs are a key part of modern web applications and a growing security challenge that isn’t well understood by developers and application security managers, leading to exposed APIs that give hackers access to sensitive data. Find out how to secure your APIs and prevent vulnerabilities from making it into production.
  |  By Outpost 24
The sheer volume of vulnerabilities security professionals have to deal with everyday poses a significant challenge to resource and time to patch. Learn how to narrow down high risk CVEs by focusing on exploit availability and threat context beyond CVSS.
  |  By Outpost 24
Demands for cybersecurity are growing. Are you providing the solutions customers seek and need to improve their security competence and prevent data breach? Find out how to differentiate from local competitors by partnering with Outpost24.
  |  By Outpost 24
Added links in Outpost24 Scale DAST tool to Secure Code Warrior for findings with a CWE. Where an Appsec finding is linked to a CWE we have introduced direct links to Secure Code Warrior eLearning training platform. This gives users the ability to understand what the vulnerability is and more importantly how to address these findings within their development process. Customers do not have to be customers of Secure Code Warrior (SCW) to enjoy the learning modules presented, though customers who are SCW customers may get further insights as well as tracking scores and other metrics.
  |  By Outpost 24
We don’t think it’s fair that businesses are targets of cybercriminals. That's why we’ve created the most complete security assessment platform to help our customers tighten their 'full stack' security exposure before their business can be disrupted.
  |  By Outpost 24
As zero trust moves higher up on the CISOs security agenda we’re hosting a webinar to discuss the pros and cons of adopting this new approach and how it can impact your team’s ability to remain agile, whilst protecting your business. As a recent study demonstrates, 34% of security breaches involved insiders in 2019 meaning CISOs are becoming more likely to consider zero trust and it should come as no surprise that many organizations are now eager to adopt a zero-trust security policy.
  |  By Outpost 24
Join Outpost24 and 360 Trust Services experts to learn how you can tackle the growing cybersecurity threats, and secure your high availability operations and satisfied customers. Save your spot for a comprehensive webinar, as we will be presenting the latest security products and services offerings, based on 20 years’ experience and accumulated expertise in cybersecurity, from vulnerability management, risk prioritization to driving a remediation culture.
  |  By Outpost 24
Web app attacks remain the #1 vector exploited in successful breaches. With agile development, apps run the risk of creating new vulnerabilities or perpetuating old ones on a weekly, daily, even hourly basis, security and risk managers need to step up a programmatic response. Fortunately there's a new, collaborative model for Appsec that organizations can operate in a mostly automated manner. Download our useful DevOps guide and learn how best to operationalize security testing in an agile process.
  |  By Outpost 24
More and more companies choose to migrate to a Cloud infrastructure to take advantage of new resources, an elastic storage power and agile deployment, nevertheless IT professionals are not always trained to secure these new technologies. Like traditional infrastructures, a public Cloud infrastructure services requires the implementation of security measures and controls by their users. Enterprises must adapt their security policy to these new technologies to reap the Cloud benefits without increasing their cyberattacks exposure area.
  |  By Outpost 24
We surveyed over 200 security professionals at the 2020 RSA conference to delve deeper into the dangers of rogue access points and understand how security professionals are tackling wireless security. Our data highlights their main concerns and the key trends from IT and network security professionals on the wireless security frontline. Key findings in the 2020 Internet of Evil Things report: Download the 2020 IoET Report to uncover valuable wireless security insights to help protect your organization's network airspace in the future.
  |  By Outpost 24
Cloud is the new fact of life for providing enterprise IT services. However, security professionals are left feeling unclear about the complexities surrounding cloud, shared responsibility and understanding where the cloud provider security tools from AWS, Azure and Google Cloud Platform are falling short.
  |  By Outpost 24
Are you struggling to triage through tons of findings to identify the greatest threats and patch more effectively? You are not alone! With speed being the biggest challenge to effectively patch, this whitepaper looks at how existing prioritization works with CVSS scoring and how a risk based approach with machine learning can be applied to align corporate risk appetite and drive better decision making for optimal efficiency.

Effortlessly automate identification of web application, network infrastructure, wireless and cloud vulnerabilities with a risk based approach for fast remediation.

Over 2,000 customers worldwide trust Outpost24 to assess their devices, networks, applications, cloud and container environments and report compliance status. We serve leading organizations across a wide range of segments including financial services, government, healthcare, retail, telecommunications, technology, and manufacturing.

Full stack security scanning and penetration testing:

  • Single Platform, Total Coverage: Servers, endpoints, devices, switches, apps, clouds and containers. We got you covered in a single UI with risk based insights.
  • Developed by Ethical Hackers: It takes a hacker to stop a hacker. We built years of ethical hacking experience into our products and services for best vulnerabitity results.
  • Continuous Security Testing: Our tools work around the clock to automate scans and orchestrate security controls to protect you on a continual basis.

Complete vulnerability and security assessment.