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April 2023

What's the difference: Vulnerability scanning vs Penetration testing

Vulnerability scanning and penetration testing should be an essential part of your cybersecurity strategy. This blog discusses the above methods in the context of securing your web applications, including the benefits, drawbacks, and compliance implications. Table of contents: What is a vulnerability scan? What is a penetration test? What are the drawbacks of the traditional pen test model? Should I only to pen tests, vulnerability scans, or both?

Another Password Manager Breach: Practical Tips to Protect Stolen Credentials

In light of recent password manager breaches, our experts have provided tips on how to protect your organization from compromised credentials. In recent weeks, cybersecurity has once again been thrust into the spotlight with the news that both LastPass and Norton LifeLock, two popular password management services, have been targeted in cyberattacks, resulting in the compromise of customer password manager accounts.

Everything you need to know about the LummaC2 stealer: Leveraging IDA Python and Unicorn to deobfuscate Windows API Hashing

In this blog post, the KrakenLabs team will take a deep dive into a malware sample classified as LummaC2, an information stealer written in C language that has been sold in underground forums since December 2022. We assess LummaC2’s primary workflow, its different obfuscation techniques (like Windows API hashing and encoded strings) and how to overcome them to effectively analyze the malware with ease.