
Stamford, CT, USA
  |  By Protegrity
The recent AT&T data breach, which compromised call and text records of nearly all its cell customers, highlights the urgent need for robust data security. As partners with Snowflake, we at Protegrity are dedicated to working together to strengthen data protection and ensure our customers’ information remains secure.
  |  By Protegrity
As more reports of massive data breaches surface, implementing a robust data protection strategy is not an option but a must. Sensitive data must be secure whether it’s in use, in transit, or at rest. No matter where the data is stored or viewed, it must be protected to accomplish National Institute of Standards and Technology requirements and many other regulations. Protecting data, your most sensitive assets is critical.
  |  By Protegrity
A large solutions and services company facing strict compliance regulations and enforcements needed a powerful, scalable enterprise data protection solution for their data being migrated over to S3, Athena, Amazon Redshift, and Glue environments. The sensitive data included HR, Financial and customer information. Using Protegrity’s field-level data protection, the company overcame this challenge, significantly improving their processes.
  |  By Protegrity
Recent high-profile breaches at Ticketmaster and Santander, attributed to the ShinyHunters group, have brought the critical need for robust data protection measures to the forefront. ShinyHunters, a notorious cybercriminal group known for stealing data from various organizations for financial gain, has demonstrated how vulnerabilities in third-party platforms can lead to significant data breaches.
  |  By Alasdair Anderson, VP EMEA
There is no shortage of news headlines about companies falling victim to cyber breaches and the astounding costs associated with them. According to the IBM Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023, the global average cost of a data breach in 2023 was $4.45 million, a 15% increase since 2020. For the financial services industry, the cost is even higher at $5.9 million per breach; that is 28% above the global average.
  |  By Paul Mountford, CEO
Customer data needs to be firewalled and if protected properly can still be used for valuable analytics In 2006, British mathematician Clive Humby declared that data is the new oil-and so could be the fuel source for a new, data-driven Industrial Revolution.
  |  By Protegrity
Findings show that the cost and complexity of data compliance is hampering business innovation.
  |  By Alasdair Anderson, VP
Many organisations realise the benefits that lie within the data they collect daily. This modern approach to data empowers businesses to leverage data for innovation and monetization while at the same time enhancing security and privacy. While this may seem like a conundrum as companies have traditionally buried their data deep into IT architecture to prevent it from being accessible, even by the employees, today it is possible to have the best of both. This process starts with the cloud.
  |  By Alasdair Anderson, VP
Businesses around the globe are using new technologies to change the world. But this wouldn't be possible without the use of sensitive data such as Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI) to drive advancements in personalisation and sophistication. However, if companies are using data that typically is associated with medical records and insurance claims, this bodes the question, is personal data secure?
  |  By Protegrity
Financial institutions are struggling to keep pace with technological advancements while ensuring data security and compliance with stringent regulations. Data modernisation has emerged as a critical strategy for banks to remain competitive, enhance customer experiences and fortify data security measures. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of data modernisation in banking.
  |  By Protegrity
We’re entering an age where technology is quickly surpassing us, with advancements and capabilities outshining any other time in history. As businesses look to evolve with emerging technologies, so do regulatory requirements designed to protect PII used in creating these systems and programs. If the stakes weren’t high enough, the 2024 Australian Data Privacy Act is shifting full data responsibility back onto businesses, holding big enterprises to a more significant standard in their data ownership.
  |  By Protegrity
What is tokenization? This method revolutionized the modern way we protect data. In today’s age, InfoSec teams can deploy keyless and reversible methods with tokens, which replace sensitive Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and store this information in both vaulted and vaultess token look-up tables. When the data is needed, it can be re-identified and accessed by the right parties, ensuring sensitive information remains protected. Watch above to learn more about this revolutionary data protection method.
  |  By Protegrity
What is anonymization? InfoSec teams can utilize anonymization to irreversibly scramble sensitive data values, thereby protecting an individual’s private information. If the sensitive information can no longer be linked to an individual, businesses have a better chance of saving on audits, complying with regulatory requirements, and scaling their ability to compete – all leading to revenue increases for your bottom line.
  |  By Protegrity
De-identifying data is what every data protection method is designed to do, making it the basis of effective cybersecurity. Common data fields that are de-identified by businesses would include names, birth dates, addresses and zip codes, National ID, and Social Security Numbers. By obfuscating sensitive data values through reversible and irreversible methods, your customers and patients can rest easy knowing their data can only be viewed by authorized parties.
  |  By Protegrity
What is pseudonymization? It’s one of many data protection methods that allow businesses to improve their sensitive data protection across systems by replacing values with pseudonyms. Learn more about this crucial data protection method and learn more about utilizing this method to boost your business’s cyber security posture.
  |  By Protegrity
To foster a culture of data protection that enhances global enterprises through secure application development, Protegrity developed the Shift Left Developer community. Our community recognizes the discrepancies and challenges data teams face when it comes to implementing solutions – both technologically and professionally – and offers the resources, guides, and cross-collaboration from teams around the world to help develop effective and efficient approaches to integration processes.
  |  By Protegrity
Welcome to the new age of data usage. Start utilizing your data to its full potential while maintaining compliance and end-to-end protection. More from Protegrity: For over 15 years, Protegrity has set the standard in precision data protection, helping enterprises secure and use a perpetually growing store of sensitive data. Through granular protection and intelligent role-based empowerment, Protegrity helps companies focus on growth, development, and optimization.
  |  By Protegrity
Your data protection methods provided through your platform are your lines of defense against cybercriminals, ransomware, and malware. In this episode, we explore the differences between data security, data protection, and data privacy. James Rice and Clyde Williamson will explore business cases, data access control, Protegrity technology, and detail out the inner workings behind data privacy.
  |  By Protegrity
Secure. Accessible. And available wherever and whenever you need it. Meet Borderless Data Nearly 130 sovereign states have enacted data privacy laws, and the challenge of moving data cross-border grows increasingly complicated. Protegrity’s Borderless Data Protection solution turns Data Privacy and Localization into an opportunity.
  |  By Protegrity
The new age of data protection is here. As businesses work to maintain compliance to develop and improve their globalization efforts, they will need a data protection solution to keep up. The leaders who can transform this threat into opportunity will be positioned to gain market share and overtake their competitors in tomorrow’s global business landscape. De-identify, preserve values, and protect persistently across borders with Protegrity.
  |  By Protegrity
As companies migrate sensitive data to cloud-based applications like Snowflake and the Google Cloud Platform, prioritizing a data security solution with easy-to-use security controls is the key to your company's success. With Protegrity, you'll be able to manage sensitive data, no matter where it goes.
  |  By Protegrity
With privacy now a top priority for lawmakers and consumers, companies must protect and leverage data for their strategic benefit. Data privacy can be daunting for organizations to spearhead on their own. Thankfully, Protegrity takes the guesswork out of complying with regulations, protecting personal information, and analyzing data for trends and AI-driven initiatives.
  |  By Protegrity
In today's world, more and more companies are moving their data to the cloud, but malware and cyberattacks still exist. Protegrity can help your company remain secure even as it explores different cloud environments. From SaaS applications to data stockpiles, Protegrity Cloud Protect simplifies the enforcement and management of data-security policies across disparate cloud systems and tools - all through one centralized solution.
  |  By Protegrity
It's Time to 'De-Identify' Your Data. In the face of costly data breaches and increasing regulatory pressure, protecting your data and that of your customers should be your top priority. rotegrity can fully protect your data as it moves through cloud and on-premises environments with pseudonymization, anonymization, and other future-forward data protection methods.
  |  By Protegrity
At its core, tokenization simply substitutes a randomly generated value or "token" for a cleartext value. A lookup table is then used to trace the cleartext value back to the corresponding token so an authorized user can use a digital token to read the data.
  |  By Protegrity
As companies embrace the operational flexibility of the cloud, security, and compliance concerns are at the forefront of their minds. Developing a proper cloud data-protection architecture requires a personalized and innovative security approach - that's where Protegrity steps in.

Our data protection system protects sensitive data anywhere and everywhere, empowering organizations across the globe to use data to create better customer experiences, make intelligent decisions, and fuel innovation.

Protegrity’s Data Protection Platform centralizes policy, audit, logging, and monitoring to secure sensitive data. Our decentralized policy enforcement enables businesses to embed data protection for data in motion, at rest, and in use, while allowing them to protect specific data types with the full range of protection methods they require.

The Business Case for Data Protection:

  • Protect sensitive data, where it travels or resides, without impacting usability.
  • Protect the data regardless of the different attack methods. If a breach occurs, data is de-identified and is unusable.
  • Accelerate and be confident in adopting new technologies with proven, future-proof protection.
  • Quantify security and privacy for data sets to lower your enterprise risk profile and meet evolving privacy laws across the enterprise.
  • Decrease time to market for new AI and analytics use cases by enabling rapid, secure usage of sensitive data.
  • Establish a centralized data privacy service for the enterprise to meet Data Sovereignty requirements.
  • Adopt and enforce global regulations as data privacy requirements evolve.
  • Simplify and standardize rules for sensitive data with centralized policy management.
  • Secure data access with role-based access control, regardless of platform, silo, or access path.

Make your data secure and borderless.