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Risk Management

MAX Prevents CRITICAL Zero-Day Vulnerability

Today we learn about SecurityScorecard's MAX and how it single-handedly prevented a MAJOR Zero-Day Vulnerability. With SecurityScorecard MAX, you no longer have to worry about your supply chain being at risk. SecurityScorecard is the global leader in cybersecurity ratings and the only service with over 12 million companies continuously rated. The company is headquartered in New York and operates in 64 countries around the globe.

The EU Cyber Resilience Act: Securing Digital Products

The EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) is a major piece of cyber legislation passed in 2024 in the European Union (EU) that regulates cybersecurity for digital products and services. The EU Cyber Resilience Act directly complements the NIS2 Directive, which regulates risk management and incident reporting across the European market.

Cyberattack at Sisense Puts Critical Infrastructure on Alert

The cybersecurity community woke up on Thursday to news of a cyberattack on Sisense, a major business analytics software company. It’s thought that the breach may have exposed hundreds of Sisense’s customers to a supply chain attack and provided the attacker with a door into the company’s customer networks.

Chapter One: The State of Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability exploitation is involved in over half of breaches, making it a huge risk to organizations. And the problem only continues to balloon year over year... both in the speed at which attackers are capitalizing on exploited vulnerabilities, and in the way that technology and assets outgrow most organization's current vulnerability management programs. In this series, we're going to be breaking down how vulnerability management has grown and evolved over time, plus how to modernize your program using things like risk-based vulnerability management.

5 Key Steps on How to Perform a Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Assessing cybersecurity risks is critical for identifying vulnerabilities in your systems that can potentially lead to data breaches, financial loss, reputation damage, legal liabilities, and other negative consequences. Knowing your weaknesses will help you take proactive measures to protect your sensitive information, comply with relevant regulations, and ensure business continuity.