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Growth Strategies for MSPs in 2025: Leveraging Technology and Data Protection

As the managed service provider (MSP) industry evolves, staying competitive in 2025 requires a blend of strategic planning, cutting-edge technologies, and a strong focus on data protection. With businesses more reliant on IT than ever, MSPs must not only provide innovative services but also ensure robust data protection to guarantee business continuity.

Why MSPs must prioritize endpoint security

In today's complex threat landscape, MSPs must safeguard their clients' endpoints, including laptops, desktops, tablets, and mobile devices, from cyberattacks. Prioritizing endpoint protection is essential to shield clients from the relentless evolution of malware, viruses, ransomware, and other threats.

MFA in M365 - Some Common MSP Misconceptions

I speak with many MSPs online, in demos, at events, over email, and chat. They must cover multiple areas of knowledge. Maintaining specialist knowledge in each area is a constant battle. But when MSPs search for answers, they're often met with a sea of information from others trying to make sense of things too. True expertise can get lost amongst the speculations and partial confusions. Microsoft 365, being ubiquitous, adds to their challenges.

Grow Your MSP Practice with SecurityScorecard MAX

Managing vendor security is a growing challenge for MSPs. Clients expect you to deliver enterprise-grade protection across their entire supply chain. However, many struggle with limited resources, manual processes, and the complexity of addressing third-party risks. SecurityScorecard MAX turns this challenge into an opportunity, helping you protect your clients while driving recurring revenue for your business.

Unlocking MSP Success: The Power of AI and Trusted Partnerships

The cybersecurity landscape has evolved dramatically, placing IT managers under pressure to adapt. A 168% rise in evasive malware detected by WatchGuard in Q2 2024 underscores this shift, with threat actors following behavioral patterns and adopting attack techniques that become popular and dominate in waves.

Understanding the Impact of the NIS2 Directive on Managed Service Providers (MSPs)

With cybersecurity threats on the rise, regulatory bodies are taking robust measures to secure essential infrastructure. The European Union’s introduction of the NIS2 Directive marks a significant step in this direction, aiming to fortify the defenses of critical sectors across Europe. Managed Service Providers (MSPs) play a pivotal role in safeguarding networks and information systems, and the new NIS2 requirements underscore the heightened responsibilities they face.

Trustwave Again Named as an MSSP Alert Top 10 Managed Security Services Provider

For eight consecutive years, MSSP Alert has named Trustwave as one of the Top 10 Managed Security Services Providers worldwide. Trustwave placed 10th on MSSP's 2024 Top 250 MSSP list, indicating the company's status as a leading provider of managed security services.