Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

SMBv3 Vulnerabilities Explained

Workplaces have evolved. While hybrid and remote work existed before COVID-19, these working arrangements became even more prevalent during and after the pandemic. Today, workplaces offer the flexibility for employees to work and access company resources from anywhere worldwide, with the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol at the center of this.

Operational Technology Penetration Testing & The Importance of OG86

In the realm of industry and infrastructure, Operational Technology (OT) refers to hardware and software systems designed to monitor and control physical devices. OT is a cornerstone in managing and automating essential services in a variety of sectors including utilities, manufacturing, and transportation. Key elements of OT include Industrial Control Systems (ICS) and Industrial Automation, which support critical infrastructure operations.

ThreatQuotient: A Leader in Quadrant Knowledge Solution's SPARK Matrix for Digital Threat Intelligence Management

Quadrant Knowledge Solution’s SPARK MatrixTM is a research service that includes a detailed analysis of global Digital Threat Intelligence Management solution market dynamics, major trends, vendor landscape, and competitive positioning analysis. The study provides competition analysis and ranking of the leading Digital Threat Intelligence Management vendors in the form of SPARK MatrixTM. In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, staying ahead of potential threats is a constant challenge.

Reverse engineering eBPF programs

eBPF is one of the most widely used technologies in today’s computing ecosystem, starting from the cloud sector up to routing and tracing in companies like Cloudflare. Many companies are basing and transforming their core products to use eBPF as an alternative to kernel modules because of all the benefits it offers both on the business side and technological side. Since this shift is gaining a lot of momentum I wanted to shed some light on eBPF.

A Detailed Overview of SQL Injections (+ Free cheatsheet)

SQL injection vulnerabilities may affect any website or application that employs an SQL database, such as MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or others. Malicious actors may use them to gain unauthorized access to sensitive information, such as customer information, personal data, trade secrets, and more. For example, SQL injections were responsible for 23% of global vulnerabilities in 2023, Moreover, 19% of the internet faces cross-site scripting (stored) attacks.

Deepfake Cyber Crime to Shift the Cyber Threat Landscape

61% of organizations have seen deepfake incidents increase in the past year – with 75% of these attacks impersonating the CEO or another C-suite executive, according to a recent report by Deep Instinct. Moreover, 97% are concerned they will suffer a security incident as a result of adversarial AI.

What's the Difference Between Signed and Unsigned Drivers?

A Signed Driver is a software entity which is usually a device driver or can be a kernel module and has been signed cryptographically by its developer or producer using its digital signature. This mark renders a unique identification and authentication mechanism ensuring authorship and integrity protection. Signed drivers are the main actors who guarantee the system’s safety and stability by permitting only trusted and verified software components to communicate with the kernel.

Essential Code Signing Compliance Checklist Beyond 2023 to Ensure Code Integrity

Code signing has successfully established itself in the backdrop of the rapidly transforming digital space as a critical security mechanism for software distribution. Through the digital signing of source code, developers and publishers offer users confidence about their software’s validity, founder, and quality. Though cyber threats had been positively enhanced, the demands for a high level of compliance and strict code signing requirements had become more necessary.

AppTrana Bot Management Enhancements - User-Defined Bot Policies and More

Have you ever wanted to fine-tune the configuration of your Bot Management? With self-service rules, you get finer control over bot scoring and customize it according to user behavior on your applications. In this blog, we will cover three use cases that will explain how to use this feature.

Finding and fixing exposed hardcoded secrets in your GitHub project with Snyk

Snyk is an excellent tool for spotting project vulnerabilities, including hardcoded secrets. In this blog, we'll show how you can use Snyk to locate hardcoded secrets and credentials and then refactor our code to use Doppler to store those secrets instead. We'll use the open source Snyk goof project as a reference Node.js boilerplate application, so feel free to follow along with us.

Snyk Code now secures AI builds with support for LLM sources

As we enter the age of AI, we’ve seen the first wave of AI adoption in software development in the form of coding assistants. Now, we’re seeing the next phase of adoption take place, with organizations leveraging increasingly widely available LLMs to build AI-enabled software. Naturally, as the adoption of LLM platforms like OpenAI and Gemini grows, so does the security risk associated with using them.

How can unifying observability and security strengthen your business?

Bolster your organization’s observability and security capabilities on one platform with AI, anomaly detection, and enhanced attack discovery Organizations in today’s digital landscape are increasingly concerned about service availability and safeguarding their software from malicious tampering and compromise. The traditional security and observability tools often operate in silos, leading to fragmented views and delayed responses to incidents.