
Irvine, CA, USA
  |  By Craig Riddell
Enterprise identity and access management (IAM) is the discipline of managing digital identities and their access to data, applications, systems and other resources. It addresses two fundamental questions: In other words, IAM helps organizations ensure that exactly the right accounts exist and that each user can access exactly the right resources based on their job functions. This article explores the benefits of enterprise IAM, the challenges involved and the key features to look for in an IAM solution.
  |  By Jonathan Blackwell
Your organization deals with various forms of sensitive information. It could be company secrets, customer data, or proprietary research — whatever the case, security should be your top priority. This is especially true given the heightened security concerns worldwide, with malicious actors targeting businesses everywhere. As such, you must protect your business’s interests and comply with regulatory requirements for data protection.
  |  By Grant Stromsodt
Local administrator rights provide users with unrestricted access to their machines, enabling them to install applications, modify system settings and perform other administrative tasks. While this level of freedom can enhance productivity and flexibility, it also poses significant threats to security, compliance and business continuity. Accordingly, best practices recommend strictly limiting local admin rights.
  |  By Tyler Reese
While identity and access management (IAM) has always been vital to cybersecurity, its prominence has grown as IT networks have become more complex and businesses have embraced cloud computing. Indeed, a robust IAM strategy is imperative for all organizations today to reduce the risk of costly security breaches, compliance penalties, and business disruptions.
  |  By Jon Obst
In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations rely on technology to gain a competitive edge. In particular, SQL Server is vital for a wide range of business operations, serving as the back end for critical applications and storing essential data about products, customers, transactions and more.
  |  By Craig Riddell
Secure access management is more than just strong password policies and multi-factor authentication (MFA) – it includes a variety of processes and tools that create an integrated and comprehensive approach to safeguarding digital assets. To manage access effectively, organizations must implement strategies like continuous monitoring, adaptive access controls, and automated workflows for user provisioning and deprovisioning.
  |  By Jonathan Blackwell
Not long ago, remote access was reserved for a select few, such as traveling salespeople and senior executives. Today, it has become ubiquitous. Indeed, users across many roles and functions in the modern office now routinely connect to the corporate network from off-site locations and work with resources as if they were connected to the local network. However, allowing users to access corporate resources remotely introduces security risks, so robust management is vital.
  |  By Dirk Schrader
With cyber threats constantly evolving, securing your network is more than just strong passwords or firewalls—it’s ensuring that the right people have access to the right resources at the right times. Understanding and implementing effective network access management is the cornerstone of protecting valuable data and maintaining operational efficiency.
  |  By Craig Riddell
A vital component of any cybersecurity strategy is robust identity and access management (commonly known by the IAM acronym). This article explains the core elements of an effective IAM implementation and their benefits. Then, it takes a deeper dive into one of those components, role-based access control (RBAC). Finally, it offers a modern IAM tool to consider that can support your organization in adopting a Zero Trust security model.
  |  By Tyler Reese
Effective identity and access management (IAM) is crucial to both data security and regulatory compliance. Closely governing identities and their access rights is vital to ensuring that each individual has access to only the business systems, applications and data that they need to perform their roles. IAM reduces the risk of accidental data exposure or deletion by account owners, while also limiting the damage that could be done by a malicious actor who compromises a user account.
  |  By Netwrix
In today's hybrid work environment, users need to access their desktops, laptops and other devices at the office, at home, while traveling, through kiosks and virtually. But many organizations are struggling to manage and secure their IT ecosystem because not all Windows endpoint management software systems were designed for modern distributed scenarios. Netwrix PolicyPak enables you to solve your endpoint management and endpoint protection challenges wherever users get work done, modernizing and extending the power of your existing enterprise technology assets.
  |  By Netwrix
Netwrix GroupID automates and delegates group and user management to ensure your directories remain current, empowering you to enhance security while increasing IT productivity.
  |  By Netwrix
78% of healthcare organizations experienced a cyberattack in the past year, exposing millions of patients' sensitive data. With patient records selling 10x more than other data on the dark web, threat actors are relentlessly targeting healthcare. To learn more on how you can Protect your institute - watch this video. Netwrix GroupID automates and delegates group and user management, necessary for Healthcare organizations, ensuring your directories remain current and empower you to enhance security while increasing IT productivity.
  |  By Netwrix
Naming conventions for Active Directory and Azure AD groups can be confusing. This video explains how to create clear and consistent group names using prefixes, descriptions, and approval workflows. By following these best practices, you can make it easier for users to understand the purpose of each group and avoid confusion. Integrate #NetwrixGroupID with your #ActiveDirectory or #AzureAD to appropriately identify all your directory groups. You can define policies for adding prefixes to group names, standardize them and build a template as well.
  |  By Netwrix
In #ActiveDirectory, companies use #DistributionGroups and #SecurityGroups to manage their users. With #DistributionLists, emails are sent in groups while #SecurityGroups manage access rights. The difference between the two group types allows extensive management of resources. Is creating #DistributionGroups equally important as security groups? Why do you need distribution lists if you can mail enable security groups? Watch this video to find out!
  |  By Netwrix
Netwrix Threat Manager (formerly StealthDEFEND) helps protect your Active Directory and data by catching even highly sophisticated attacks in their early stages, responding automatically, and quickly getting the full insight required to recover and strengthen your defenses.
  |  By Netwrix
Netwrix Enterprise Auditor (formerly StealthAUDIT) can help you minimize your attack surface area by discovering all the sensitive information you hold and keep access to it at the least-privilege level — while dramatically reducing the burden on your limited IT resources. Learn more at Modern organizations have amassed enormous volumes of data, and more is created and collected every day. Meanwhile, cyberattacks are growing in frequency and sophistication, and compliance mandates are ever more stringent.
  |  By Netwrix
Netwrix Password Secure is a comprehensive password management solution that empowers users to securely store, generate, and share passwords while offering various authentication methods for enhanced security. With robust end-to-end encryption and customizable policies, it ensures organizations can strengthen their password security and compliance measures. Learn more at
  |  By Netwrix
Minimize your attack surface by eliminating the need for standing privilege altogether. Reduce the risk of business disruptions or compliance failures by managing and tracking all privileged activity in one place. Every day, organizations face the threat of cyberattacks that target privileged accounts. In fact, a staggering 74% of data breaches start with compromised privileged accounts and credentials. Is your organization prepared to defend against these attacks?
  |  By Netwrix
Do you know exactly who in your organization has access to which process and why? Netwrix Usercube optimizes and systematizes Identity Governance and Administration and stays with you to make your daily life easier. This SAAS editor leaves you in control of managing and changing who accesses what and when.
  |  By Netwrix
If you are just getting started with Office 365 or you want to master its administration, this guide is for you. The beginning features very easy tasks, including provisioning and de-provisioning of Office 365 user accounts. Then it offers guidelines on managing licenses and explains how to administer different applications using both the Office 365 admin console and PowerShell. Last, this Office 365 tutorial (.pdf) provides more advanced guidance, helping you set up a hybrid environment, secure your cloud-based email application with encryption and spam filtering, and more. After reading this guide, you'll also know how to troubleshoot Office 365 issues, ensuring a seamless experience for your business users.
  |  By Netwrix
Cybersecurity practitioners worldwide use the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to strengthen their security program and improve their risk management and compliance processes. The framework is voluntary, but it offers proven best practices that are applicable to nearly any organisation. However, it can seem daunting at first because it includes so many components.
  |  By Netwrix
The simplest definition of Active Directory is that it is a directory service for Windows operating systems. But what does this actually mean? What is Active Directory used for? How can you manage it? Whether you are a new system administrator who wants to learn Active Directory basics, such as its structure, services, components and essential terminology, or a seasoned administrator looking to find new best practices and improve your skills even further, this eBook has something for you.
  |  By Netwrix
If you are just getting started with Office 365 or you want to master its administration, this guide is for you. The beginning features very easy tasks, including provisioning and de-provisioning of Office 365 user accounts. Then it offers guidelines on managing licenses and explains how to administer different applications using both the Office 365 admin console and PowerShell. Last, this Office 365 tutorial (.pdf) provides more advanced guidance, helping you set up a hybrid environment, secure your cloud-based email application with encryption and spam filtering, and more. After reading this guide, you'll also know how to troubleshoot Office 365 issues, ensuring a seamless experience for your business users.
  |  By Netwrix
Safeguarding business-critical and regulated data like customer records, financial information and intellectual property is critical to the success of the entire organization. However, your goal should not be to build a fortress. Rather accept that your network will inevitably be breached from the outside and attacked from within, so you should build a layered defense strategy that helps you both minimize your attack surface and spot suspicious behavior in time to respond effectively.
  |  By Netwrix
Although most IT pros are aware of the benefits that technology integrations promise, many of them are reluctant to take on integration projects. They know all too well that many vendor products simply aren't designed to be integrated with other systems; the lack of an application programming interface in particular is a huge red flag. Fortunately, there are vendors, such as ServiceNow and Netwrix, that enable organizations to reap the benefits of integration without having to invest lots of time and money.
  |  By Netwrix
In today's digital world, the problem of data theft by departing employees goes far beyond stealing the names of a few customers or a product design sketch; it can mean the loss of gigabytes of critical corporate intelligence and legally protected information like customer cardholder data. Plus, ex-employees have even more avenues for using the data they steal - they can use it against their former employers, leak it to competitors, sell it to the highest bidder or simply publish it on the internet.
  |  By Netwrix
Compliance regulations are designed to provide a unified set of rules or guidelines to help IT organizations implement policies and measures that deliver the required levels of integrity, security, availability and accountability of data and operations. This white paper provides an overview of various types of IT compliance, explores their basic concepts and commonalities, and offers guidelines for implementation.
  |  By Netwrix
It's hard to imagine an organization today that does not rely on file servers, SharePoint or Office 365 for storing data, including valuable and sensitive information such as intellectual property and personal data. This makes these systems particularly attractive targets for all sort of attackers, from external hackers to disgruntled employees. To protect data from both external and internal threats, businesses must regularly conduct thorough data security assessments as part of their broader cyber security assessments.

Orchestrate IT security with your data at its core. Netwrix solutions empower you to identify and classify sensitive information with utmost precision; reduce your exposure to risk and detect threats in time to avoid data breaches; and achieve and prove compliance.

Data Security Done Right:

  • Consistency in the Approach. Confidence in the Results. Ensure your cybersecurity efforts are laser-focused on truly important data, instead of false positives that do not require protection. Our unified platform identifies and classifies your sensitive, regulated or mission-critical information consistently and accurately — including both structured and unstructured data, whether it’s on premises or in the cloud.
  • Reduce Risk. Prevent Breaches. Do you know if the sensitive data you store is overexposed? Who can access it? What activity is going on around it? Netwrix solutions help you answer these key questions and ensure that risk-appropriate security controls are implemented around your most critical data. Plus, the platform enables you to detect abnormal activity early and respond before a threat turns into a breach.
  • Achieve Compliance. Deliver Hard Evidence. Assess the effectiveness of the data security controls across your entire infrastructure so you can remediate any flaws before auditors come to call. Get the hard evidence you need to demonstrate to auditors that your controls adhere to their regulations and quickly answer any ad-hoc questions.

Data Centric. Laser Focused.