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November 2024

A Comprehensive Look into Password Attacks and How to Stop Them

There are some things you want to keep private such as your bank account number, government ID number, etc. In the digital age, that includes the passwords that protect these accounts because once your account credentials are compromised, cybercriminals can get that information. That is why password attacks have become so prominent today.

PowerShell Write to File: "Out-File" and File Output Techniques

Anyone familiar with PowerShell knows that the output of PowerShell commands is displayed in the terminal by default. However, there may be situations where you would want to redirect or save output to a file. In short, redirecting or saving PowerShell output increases productivity, helps with debugging, provides useful logs, and facilitates automation, especially in complex workflows or when working with large datasets.

Add Alias in Active Directory

Microsoft Active Directory is a directory service for Windows domain networks. Active Directory serves as a centralized database which stores information about network resources, including users, computers, and services. It plays a significant role in network management and security, providing a framework for user authentication, authorization, resource management, and policy enforcement. This allows organizations to manage permissions and access rights across the entire network efficiently.

How to Detect and Prevent Session Hijacking

Imagine leaving your car key at a public place, only to drop your keys when exiting the vehicle. Someone picks them up and drives away. They speed through a school zone and are caught on camera. Later, the car is used in a robbery. Now, you’re not only missing your car but also wrongly implicated in criminal activities.

Delete Registry Keys Using PowerShell

In Windows system administration, one of the more advanced yet important tasks that can be accomplished using PowerShell is deleting registry keys and values. This operation requires careful handling to avoid unintended consequences. Registry keys and values in Windows are critical components that store configuration settings for the operating system and installed applications. Modifying the registry can lead to system instability or even failure if not done correctly.

Access Provisioning: Best Practices for Secure User Access

The primary purpose of a network is to enable sharing of resources among a group of users. Whether those resources are computing devices, applications or file data, the goal is to provide access to exactly those who need it. However, achieving this goal can be challenging because modern organizations are highly dynamic. On any given day, new employees may be hired, others may take on more or different responsibilities, and some leave the company.

Navigating User Account Management for Enhanced Windows Security

Your network is comprised of devices and users, and both require proper management. For a user to access a device and its hosted assets, that user requires a user account that has access to the computer. The allocation and management of these accounts are important for multiple reasons including security, personalization and accountability.