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Differences Between Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Scanning

Often, penetration testing (or pen testing) and vulnerability scanning are used interchangeably. In doing so, the importance of each method of testing gets lost in the confusion. Both of these are significant in protecting your data and infrastructure for different reasons. In the age of digitally storing information and companies having an online network presence, it’s easy for hackers to find their way in. This is why both pen testing and vulnerability scanning are important.

Cybersecurity and OWASP in an Increasingly Digital World

As the world increasingly moves to a digital format, cybersecurity is becoming more important than ever. It’s especially significant since, according to a recent survey by Sophos, 51% of businesses in America experienced a ransomware attack in 2020. That’s a staggering number of security vulnerabilities that truly shouldn’t exist in the modern day and age. Yet, it’s relatively understandable.

NUCLEUS:13 - Dissecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack

In the fifth study of Project Memoria – NUCLEUS:13 – Forescout Research Labs and Medigate identified a set of 13 new vulnerabilities affecting the Nucleus TCP/IP stack. Nucleus is currently owned by Siemens. Its original release was in 1993 and, since then, it has been deployed in many industry verticals with safety and security requirements such as medical devices, automotive, and industrial systems. Upon identification of the new vulnerabilities, Forescout Research Labs and Medigate collaborated with Siemens, CISA, CERT/CC and other agencies to confirm the findings and notify vendors.

Top 10 Windows Server Vulnerabilities for 2021

2020-2021 were unusually rough in the information security field. The pandemic accelerated the pace of discovering new attack techniques and the attacker’s motivation was high due to the potential impact of each attack. In addition, work methodologies that have changed led to the exposure of new vulnerabilities and an increase in the organizational attack surface.

The Future of Vulnerability Management Programs

According to the National Vulnerability Database (NVD), the number of new security vulnerabilities increases steadily over the past few years. Image source: NVD The consistent rise in the number of security vulnerabilities along with headline-catching exploits like the SolarWind supply chain attack earlier this year has organizations doubling down on vulnerability management programs to ensure that they are not exposed to malicious attacks.

What is OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG)?

With millions of apps being released every day and ever-changing feature additions, it is more important than ever for enterprises to focus on security to prevent data breaches. According to Checkpoint, in 2020, 97 per cent of enterprises were confronted with mobile threats employing a variety of attack vectors. What is Mobile Security Testing Guide (MSTG)? The MSTG is a comprehensive manual for mobile app security testing.

JavaScript type confusion: Bypassed input validation (and how to remediate)

In a previous blog post, we showed how type manipulation (or type confusion) can be used to escape template sandboxes, leading to cross-site scripting (XSS) or code injection vulnerabilities. One of the main goals for this research was to explore (in the JavaScript ecosystem) how and if it is possible to bypass some security fixes or input validations with a type confusion attack (i.e by providing an unexpected input type).

CISA's Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog and Splunk

TL;DR: Accompanying today’s announcement from CISA (BOD 22-01) and their new Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog, SURGe and Splunk Threat Research Team (STRT) have coordinated to add functionality into Enterprise Security Content Updates (ESCU). This added functionality will help network defenders understand vulnerability context alongside relevant ESCU detections.

Automation for Manually Imported Pentest Vulnerabilities (with captions)

On Kondukto you can apply automated workflows on vulnerabilities that are manually imported to Kondukto as well. In this video, you can see how Kondukto automatically creates issues on issue managers and sends notifications as soon as a new file is imported.

5 Common Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in the IoMT

Have you been to the hospital lately? If so, you’ve probably been attached to at least one medical device with at least some sort of internet access. According to Cisco, the average hospital room has, on average, 15-20 connected devices, with an average of 6.2 cybersecurity vulnerabilities between them.