
San Jose, CA, USA
  |  By Michael Bacon
No one feels the pain of ransomware and other disruptive and costly digital cybersecurity attacks more than the people managing the day-to-day in your SOC (Security Operations Center). At 13 attacks every second in 2023, cybercriminals, fraudsters and nation-state hacktivists are overwhelming SOC analysts. Nearly two-thirds (63%) of SOC analysts report the size of the attack surface has increased. At the same time, CISOs and SOC managers are struggling to handle on-the-job analyst burnout and turnover.
  |  By Forescout Research - Vedere Labs
Wipers are malware that delete data on a device or make it inaccessible. They can be used for sabotage, to destroy evidence of an attack or simply to make a device unusable. IoT wipers often rewrite important parts of the firmware of an IoT device, rendering that device useless, so they are also known as “brickers”. Recent notorious examples of IoT wipers are AcidRain which was used by a Russian APT to brick satellite modems in Europe at the outset of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022.
  |  By Rhonda Holloway
Network Access Control (NAC) has undergone significant advancements since the beginning, continuously adapting for cybersecurity threats and technological innovation. As organizations embrace BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and IoT/OT (Internet of Things/Operational Technology), vendors have transformed traditional NAC solutions to meet these new demands while maintaining a balance between usability and security.
  |  By Prashant Tilekar
RedTail is a sophisticated malware designed for unauthorized cryptocurrency mining with a focus on Monero. It was first identified in January 2024, but it has been circulating since at least December 2023. Its latest iterations show improvements in evasion and persistence mechanisms, underscoring the significant expertise and resources driving its development.
  |  By Massimiliano Mandolini
Ten years ago, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released the Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) 1.0 following an Executive Order from President Obama to help companies and governments facing cybersecurity attacks. In 2014, data breaches were escalating. Major Fortune 500 companies and household names, such as Target, Yahoo, 7-11, Visa, and more, experienced heaps of customer data theft, online fraud and attacks from malware.
  |  By Vincent Saporito
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a robust cybersecurity regulation in the European Union (EU) taking effect next year. It is designed to help protect against evolving digital threats to financial systems. Like GDPR, the scope of DORA isn’t only limited to financial services companies and banks. Service providers in Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) and third-party vendors are also on the hook. If you haven’t been preparing, the time to be is now.
As cyber threats continuously evolve, hackers are refining their attack tactics and the frequency of assaults. Over the past several years, 63% of Security Operations Center (SOC) analysts report the size of their attack surface has increased, according to Security Magazine. Similarly, our 2023 Threat Roundup research discovered the enterprise is experiencing 13 attacks every second.
  |  By Massimiliano Mandolini
For security professionals and CISOs, reading about operational technology (OT) security risk feels like nothing new. We know a lot of OT is insecure by design. Despite advisory warnings and perceptions around operational security air gaps, industrial control systems (ICS) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) are being targeted more frequently via digital assets on the network. Vulnerabilities in OT systems are not brand new.
  |  By Forescout Research - Vedere Labs
By 2028, connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices will expand to over 25 billion. Yet, today’s connected devices are raising the stakes for assessing risk and managing cybersecurity. They have significantly expanded the attack surface creating new challenges and vulnerabilities. The need for accurate, rapid information from systems across every industry is essential for business operations.
  |  By Vincent Turmel
On May 9, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) officially adopted new Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) requirements for Internal Network Security Monitoring (INSM). This is one of the last steps before Federal regulators make it an official standard for utilities and the electrical power grid industry. What does it mean? Compliance for CIP-015-1 is coming to your utility. Utilities will need monitoring tools with deep and wide asset intelligence and network control.
  |  By Forescout
Thanks for watching our Forescout for Risk & Exposure Management video.
  |  By Forescout

#DidYouKnow — Generative AI has taken the world by storm. At Forescout we've also embraced generative AI, but not in the way you would expect. Justin Foster, our CTO, takes us through how we are embracing generative AI and what the future of security can look like.

  |  By Forescout
Between 2023 and 2024, Chinese-made IoT devices in US networks grew by over 40%, as reported in our recent Forescout Research — Vedere Labs report. Why have banned Chinese-devices grown over the last year in the US and in other regions? In this video, Elisa Costante, our VP of Research, and Rik Ferguson, our VP of Security Intelligence, explore this question in detail.
  |  By Forescout
Forescout eyeInspect provides you asset intelligence, security and threat detection, giving you the power to protect your most critical infrastructure. See it in action!
  |  By Forescout

#DidYouKnow? Rogue devices are a serious threat to your network! It doesn't matter if it's an unauthorized game console an employee added, or hacker plugging into an exposed ethernet port.

  |  By Forescout
Manage risks. Contain events. Mitigate threats. The Forescout Platform continuously identifies, protects and ensures the compliance of all managed and unmanaged cyber assets – IT, IoT, IoMT and OT – without business disruption. It delivers comprehensive capabilities for network security, risk and exposure management, and extended detection and response. With seamless context sharing and workflow orchestration via ecosystem partners, it enables you to more effectively manage cyber risk and mitigate threats.
  |  By Forescout
Continuously identify, protect and ensure the compliance of all cyber assets across your organization.
  |  By Forescout

#DidYouKnow Operational Technology (OT) is now HIGHLY connected 🔗, but can't be secured in the same way as IT?

  |  By Forescout

#DidYouKnow? The first step in cyber security is knowing WHAT you are securing! Forescout shows you every asset… what is it, who owns it, where it is and when it connected to your network.

  |  By Forescout
DidYouKnow? #Forescout shines a light on your complex networks! 🔦 What do you do when the amount of unmanageable devices exceed the number of managed devices? Our CTO, Justin Foster, how we bring the light to the deepest darkest corners of your network and brings visibility and control.
  |  By Forescout
The IT landscape is rapidly evolving to meet the demands of our digitally transforming world and a radically changed business environment that calls for always-on performance and agility at scale. As a result, client-server computing has given way to disruptive IT architectures that reshape business and ownership models. These include private and public cloud services, 'bring your own device' (BYOD), mobility and the Internet of Things (IoT).
  |  By Forescout
They are designed to secure the assets of these essential services. There are 11 standards in total, covering everything from the protection of critical cyber assets to security management, personnel & training, incident reporting, and recovery planning. In this free eBook we explore how the continuous network monitoring capabilities of eyeInspect can streamline your compliance with these NERC CIP standards, saving you considerable time and money.
  |  By Forescout
That's because perimeter-focused security architectures that default to high trust levels on the internal network are ill-suited for an edgeless enterprise that increasingly supports mobile and remote workers as well as vast numbers of IoT devices. This Forescout white paper explains why visibility is essential for effective Zero Trust architecture and how continuous visibility can help you identify, segment and enforce compliance using Zero Trust principles. It also addresses foundational capabilities Forrester Research requires to designate solutions as a Zero Trust platform.
  |  By Forescout
With a staggering majority of devices - expected to reach more than 75 billion by 2025 - connected to vast networks and the internet, reducing cyber risk becomes a critical focal point for the age of IoT.
  |  By Forescout
The drive to increase productivity and reduce costs in manufacturing environments has led to an exponential increase in the adoption of automation on plant floors, also known as Industry 4.0. If your organization has integrated its computation, networking and physical processes, this whitepaper will explain how deploying network monitoring technology will bring tremendous value to both your IT and OT teams.
  |  By Forescout
The diverse and complex nature of IIoT and OT security use cases can make the technology selection difficult, and unfortunately, copying IT security practices and technology will not result in a secure OT environment. To achieve lasting success with OT cybersecurity investments, managers must ask prescriptive questions during the technology procurement process. In this eBook, we discuss the seven questions recommended by Gartner for SRM leaders to ask during their OT security technology selection and how Forescout answers them.

With so many agentless devices being deployed every day, it’s never been harder to protect your network from threats. Forescout delivers actionable information so you can see the devices on your network and take action to prevent them from compromising your enterprise.

Forescout Technologies, Inc. actively defends the Enterprise of Things by identifying, segmenting and enforcing compliance of every connected thing. Fortune 1000 companies trust Forescout as it provides the most widely deployed, enterprise-class platform at scale across IT, IoT, and OT managed and unmanaged devices.

Forescout arms customers with more device intelligence than any other company in the world, allowing organizations across every industry to accurately classify risk, detect anomalies and quickly remediate cyberthreats without disruption of critical business assets. Don’t just see it. Secure it.

See Every Device. Defend Your Entire Network.