Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2024

#DidYouKnow? Forescout Shines a Light on Your Complex Networks!

DidYouKnow? #Forescout shines a light on your complex networks! 🔦 What do you do when the amount of unmanageable devices exceed the number of managed devices? Our CTO, Justin Foster, how we bring the light to the deepest darkest corners of your network and brings visibility and control.

Bringing the Light into the Dark Places: Invisible Threats, Visible Solutions

What is the biggest cybersecurity challenge facing companies worldwide? The answer may vary depending on who you ask, but one indisputable fact remains clear: “What you can’t see, can and will hurt you.” Cyber threats lurk in the depths of the digital world, constantly evolving, poised to strike unsuspecting victims. They often strike by compromising unseen connected devices which, experience has proven, represent up to 50% of all devices on a network.*

Department of Justice disrupts Moobot botnet commandeered by Russian APT28: analysis of attacks against routers and malware samples

On February 15, the US Department of Justice announced “Operation Dying Ember”: the takedown of a botnet controlled by APT28, the Russian military cyber threat actor also known as Fancy Bear. APT28 was previously known for developing the VPNFilter botnet, which targeted routers and network attached storage devices and was also disrupted by the DoJ in 2018.

Why should OT Companies follow NIS2: Safeguarding Critical Infrastructure in a Digitally Connected Era

The digital transformation of industrial landscapes has brought unprecedented advancements in efficiency and productivity for Operational Technology (OT) companies. But this surge in connectivity exposes critical infrastructure to heightened cybersecurity risks, such as: To address these risks, OT companies should adhere to the guidelines in the European Union’s Directive on Security of Network and Information Systems (NIS2).