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April 2023

How to Detect and Mitigate the 3CXDesktopApp Supply Chain Attack

On March 29, researchers from two security companies identified an active campaign originating from a modified version of a legitimate, signed application: 3CXDesktopApp, a popular voice and video conferencing software. 3CXDesktopApp is developed by 3CX, a business communications software company. According to its website, 3CX has 600,000 client organizations and 12 million daily users.

Forescout Research - Vedere Labs Releases String Deobfuscation Tool for Analysis of Mirai IoT Botnet Variants

As part of our recently released 2022 Threat Roundup report, Forescout Vedere Labs described how the Mirai IoT botnet continues to evolve via new variants and adaptations, such as Gafgyt and RapperBot, more than six years after it started taking over IoT devices and had its source code leaked.