
Buffalo, NY, USA
  |  By Liz Sujka
As the warm summer months roll in, many of your employees are likely planning vacations and business trips. While these travels can offer much-needed breaks and valuable business opportunities, they also present unique cybersecurity challenges. As a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP), we understand the importance of protecting your company’s data, no matter where your employees are. Here are some essential cybersecurity tips to keep in mind for your traveling workforce this summer.
  |  By Courtney Bell
Many smaller organizations aren’t sure where to start with threat intelligence; it may seem like the kind of maturity reserved for large organizations. Threat intelligence is a proactive cybersecurity strategy focused on collecting information about current threats, analyzing it, and using that information to identify and mitigate threats within the network. It’s approachable even for smaller organizations that don’t have the resources for novel research and analysis.
  |  By Jason Taylor
Sedara attended Buffalo’s very own BSides conference in early June. BSides are cybersecurity conferences held across the world, often planned and hosted by grassroots organizers. They’re a great way to learn about the latest trends in the industry and network with both established and aspiring professionals. Several of our team members attended this year’s conference, and here are their takeaways.
  |  By Liz Sujka
In the realm of office dynamics and cybersecurity, sometimes the simplest strategies are the most effective. One such strategy that has gained popularity here amongst our ranks is the penalty of buying doughnuts for the office whenever someone forgets to lock their computer when stepping away. This sweet approach not only keeps cybersecurity at the forefront of everyone’s mind but also fosters a sense of camaraderie and accountability.
  |  By Jason Taylor
System hardening is the process of configuring a system to a more secure state. Many technology solutions are not securely configured by default, so system administrators must harden systems while retaining their desired functionality. Thankfully, system administrators do not have to figure out system hardening on their own. Instead, they can reference security benchmarks which describe recommended secure configurations for a system.
  |  By Courtney Bell
Many organizations are migrating to cloud infrastructures. The cloud presents new levels of flexibility and scalability in the way organizations operate. But as with any new opportunity, it also creates new forms of risk. How can organizations succeed at identifying and remediating these security risks?
  |  By Jason Taylor
NIST released the much-anticipated update to its popular Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) in February 2024. The NIST CSF is one of the most widely used cybersecurity frameworks, designed to help organizations of any size in any industry holistically start, mature, and sustain a cybersecurity program. The latest version of the NIST CSF—NIST CSF 2.0—brings several enhancements over the previous version. This article will cover what you need to know about the new NIST CSF 2.0.
  |  By Jason Taylor
Cybersecurity professionals possess many tools to reduce risk. However, it is no accident in a field so concerned with technology that technological tools are often prioritized over others: as the Law of Instrument says, “if the only tool you have is a hammer, it is tempting to treat everything as if it were a nail.” Therefore, cybersecurity professionals should not neglect the other tools, such as awareness and training.
  |  By Jason Taylor
Cybersecurity compliance frameworks serve two functions: (1) they voluntarily provide a roadmap for organizations to follow to create robust, sustainable cybersecurity programs and (2) they mandatorily serve as legal or regulatory obligations to which organizations must demonstrate adherence. The ultimate intent of cybersecurity frameworks, regardless of their underlying function, is to reduce cybersecurity risk.
  |  By Jason Taylor
October’s a fun month in the cybersecurity field, and not just because of the costumes and candy. Since it was designated as the National Cybersecurity Awareness Month in 2004, October’s always packed with great events, such as the Rochester Security Summit (RSS). RSS has been a leading regional cybersecurity conference in Upstate New York since 2006, where hundreds of attendees gather to share about the latest advancements in the field.
  |  By Sedara
Spend 15 minutes with us learning about what makes up a Cybersecurity Development Program (CDP) here at Sedara.
  |  By Sedara
Cybersecurity Questions Answered by our Panel of Experts.
  |  By Sedara
Defense-in-depth is the best strategy for reducing cybersecurity risk. Just like how a medieval castle uses layered defenses for its physical security, modern organizations implement layered security controls to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of their information. The specific security controls implemented by an organization should be informed by its own risk appetite, regulatory requirements, and operational capabilities. This article covers different kinds of security controls organizations should consider adopting to protect their information assets.
  |  By Sedara
This video goes over the steps to continuously improve your cybersecurity.
  |  By Sedara
Security training can be an effective protection and detection measure, or just another training module for an employee to ignore and click through. Even if an organization is using pre-packaged security awareness training products, they can make the training more effective by customizing it to the organization. Here are some components you may consider when customizing your security program.
  |  By Sedara
Why is security awareness important when we have all of these appliances and software and hardware to protect us? Well, ultimately, attacks come down to a set of human eyes and a keyboard, and a mouse. And if a user is well educated and if they're trained well and they're astute, they can help prevent a security incident from ever happening or detect it.
  |  By Sedara
Response and recovery plans are crucial to reduce the severity and time of security incidents. But many organizations aren’t sure where to start in building their plans. Here are three tips for building a better recovery plan. Subscribe to our channel to get more useful content to help you protect your organization.
  |  By Sedara
It’s critical to have recovery plans like business continuity, disaster recovery, and incident response plans. However, where many organizations fall short is in keeping these plans evergreen. An incident can blindside an organization when they discover its response plan no longer reflects the environment they need to protect. So how can your organization keep its recovery plans accurate and up to date?
  |  By Sedara
There is no one-size-fits-all XDR blueprint. A powerful XDR solution must include detection and response capabilities at multiple attack vectors specifically identified for the organization. On top of having the appropriate ensemble of technology, XDR needs to be managed properly to deliver the best results. Download our Free Whitepaper to learn how Sedara can protect your organization.
  |  By Sedara
The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) has been growing more concerned with cybersecurity as the rate of malicious attacks increased. The financial services industry is one of the biggest targets of these attacks and is the main driver for this new regulation. New York is the first state to mandate minimum cyber security standards. Ensure you are ready to interpret, implement, and plan for the new cyber security standards.
  |  By Sedara
You know you want to protect your business, but short of hiring a full time security analyst, not sure what you can do? Consider starting with a managed security provider. They can provide a considerable amount of guidance and keep an eye on things for you.

Whether you’re a CEO looking for a cybersecurity program, or a CTO looking for help, you need a partner in cybersecurity threat intelligence. Our experienced team will enable you to take your cybersecurity and compliance to the next level with 24/7/365 monitoring, detection, and response.

Sedara was founded in 2013 to streamline practical and effective cybersecurity for organizations of all sizes. We are headquartered in Buffalo, NY and live and breathe cybersecurity. Our communities are adopting technology faster than they can keep everything secure and this fundamental problem currently does not have an easy solution. This uphill battle drives us to bring honed cybersecurity expertise, strategies, and manpower to as many organizations as possible.

How we do it:

  • Prepare: Sedara uses years of experience combined with millions of events logged and analyzed to prepare your organization for when (not if) a threat occurs.
  • Detect: Sedara utilizes behavioral analytics and machine learning to detect critical threats as well as suspicious activity on your network.
  • Eliminate: When a threat has been detected, Sedara will deploy our expert SOC analyst to neutralize and eliminate the attack.
  • Enhance: Once a threat has been eliminated, Sedara will then utilize the data and behavior of that attack to ensure your network is immune to similar threats.

Sedara is Your Cybersecurity Sidekick.