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Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Recognize and Report Phishing

While phishing attacks are nothing new, the methods used to execute them are constantly evolving. Today, hackers are taking advantage of automation and other advanced techniques to increase the scale of phishing campaigns and better target victims. In this video, we dive into the importance of recognizing and reporting phishing attempts.

Shining a Light on Bots (From 'Phishy Business') | Cybersecurity Sessions bonus episode

Bonus episode: Cybersecurity Sessions host Cyril Noel-Tagoe was recently featured on the Mimecast podcast series Phishy Business. Cyril joined hosts Alice Jeffery and Brian Pinnock, plus fellow guest, Mimecast Senior Product Manager Dr Kiri Addison, for a fascinating conversation about bots and what they are used for (both good and bad). About Phishy Business

User Office Hours | How to Secure CI/CD Pipeline w/ GitHub Actions & Snyk | Mar 23, 2022

This User Office Hours session covers how to build a secure CI/CD Pipeline with GitHub Actions and Snyk. First, we'll build a demo application. Then, we'll walk through how to test for security issues using Snyk Open Source and Snyk Code. We'll then go on to deploy a container image. Missed the live stream? Feel free to ask questions in the comment section, and we'll do our very best to answer them.

State of Zero Trust adoption in Australia

Zero Trust, a phrase coined by Forrester in 2009, is not a commonly used cybersecurity strategy in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region. In the United States, large technology companies and the federal government have been eager to adopt Zero Trust. But in Australia and New Zealand, Zero Trust adoption has been prolonged. People were confused about what Zero Trust means.