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What is Social Engineering?

Many organizations focus on technological controls to protect their assets. But that’s only part of the story! Smart attackers use social engineering to achieve their goals in compromising networks and data. In a social engineering attack vector, attackers lie or present deceptive fronts to convince people to divulge information or take some action that allows the attackers access. If you learned anything from this video, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel! We will be releasing more videos to help you understand cybersecurity for your organization.

Rubrik and GraphQL - Episode 6 - Using the Rubrik API Code Capture Extension

Now that we understand how to form and execute our GraphQL calls, many have reached out asking how to automate certain tasks that are performed within the Rubrik Security Cloud UI. In this episode, I'll introduce you to the Rubrik API Code Capture extension for Chrome. If you know how to accomplish something within the UI, the Code Capture extension will show you the exact API call you need, including the query name and formation of the payload that you are sending! It's super easy to use and can save you a ton of time digging through documentation!

What is Security Service Edge (SSE)

What is Security Service Edge (SSE)? Why are legacy security architectures no longer effective? Clear up the confusion and learn about this emerging category that helps improve user experience and security with help from Netskope's Vice President and Chief Evangelist, Bob Gilbert. Intelligent SSE from Netskope is redefining cloud, network, data security.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Recognize and Report Phishing

While phishing attacks are nothing new, the methods used to execute them are constantly evolving. Today, hackers are taking advantage of automation and other advanced techniques to increase the scale of phishing campaigns and better target victims. In this video, we dive into the importance of recognizing and reporting phishing attempts.

Shining a Light on Bots (From 'Phishy Business') | Cybersecurity Sessions bonus episode

Bonus episode: Cybersecurity Sessions host Cyril Noel-Tagoe was recently featured on the Mimecast podcast series Phishy Business. Cyril joined hosts Alice Jeffery and Brian Pinnock, plus fellow guest, Mimecast Senior Product Manager Dr Kiri Addison, for a fascinating conversation about bots and what they are used for (both good and bad). About Phishy Business