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Relax, you've got Rubrik in your corner!

With Rubrik Security Cloud, you’ll be unstoppable against cyberattacks. You can protect your data wherever it lives: across the enterprise, in SaaS applications, and in the cloud. You’ll also be able to continuously monitor data risks, and recover data and applications quickly. We take great pride in helping IT and security teams find peace of mind. With Rubrik, your team can rest easy knowing your data is secure and resilient.

Cisco Research AI Inference Infrastructure Summit

Cisco Research hosted a virtual summit on AI Inference Infrastructure, bringing together researchers to explore challenges in this space. The summit includes presentations from university professors and students collaborating with the Cisco Research team, including Aditya Akella (UT Austin), Rachee Singh (Cornell University), Alexey Tumanov (GA Tech), and Neeraja Yadwadkar (UT Austin).

Custom Policy Management in Black Duck SCA | Black Duck

You need the ability to tune open source risk management based on your team's unique risk tolerance and application lifecycle. Black Duck SCA enables this with custom policy configuration, allowing you to... Explore the powerful customization options in BlackDuck SCA to manage and mitigate risks effectively.

Eliminating Shadow Access: The Hidden Dangers of SSH and API Keys

Speakers Eliminating Shadow Access: The Hidden Dangers of SSH and API Keys Static credentials like SSH keys and API keys play a prominent role in managing modern infrastructure, automating tasks, and enabling software integration, but they also pose significant risks. These keys are often difficult to track, escape traditional monitoring tools, and can be easily exploited if stolen, leading to breaches, shadow access, and compliance issues.