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#187 - Automation in MSSP Operations with David Burkett, Cloud Security Researcher at Corelight

On this episode of The Cybersecurity Defenders Podcast we talk about automation in MSSP operations with David Burkett, Cloud Security Researcher at Core light. David has deep expertise in cloud threat detection and automation. Over the course of his career, David has built and optimized three different Cyber Security Operations Centers for MSSP and MDR providers, demonstrating his unparalleled skill in scaling security operations through automation and efficient processes.

Women in Technology featuring Roopa Naidu, Senior Technical Project Manager @1111systems

"Be bold and put yourself out there. Seek support and mentorship from people willing to help you grow in your career. Having a vision for your career and going after it is crucial in this industry." - Roopa Naidu, Senior Technical Project Manager, Development At 11:11 Systems, we recognize the value of diversity and the unique contributions of our female employees. We’re pleased to feature some of our outstanding women in a series of Q&A blog posts, showcasing their experiences, insights, and impact on the tech industry.

Cyber Resilience @1111systems with Kaushik Ray, Chief Experience Officer @Sungar

"The balance of proactive and reactive measures is how you get cyber resiliency. Cyber resiliency is equal to cybersecurity plus cyber recovery." Hear from 11:11 Systems' Chief Experience Officer Kaushik Ray on what cyber resilience at 11:11 means for our customers.