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Sysdig Talks 2022 Threat Landscape (Live)

Is your organization ready to pay an additional $430,000 cloud bill as a result of cryptojacking? The Sysdig Threat Research Team recently released the 2022 Sysdig Cloud-Native Threat Report, which details the cost of cryptojacking, the reality of software supply chain risks, and how hacktivism has become a prominent feature in cyber warfare. While the motives of hackers have not changed, they have adjusted their attack patterns and tactics to penetrate cloud environments more effectively. Fortify your cloud by understanding the current threat landscape and identifying defense strategies.

Entrust Verified Mark Certificates (VMC)

VMC is a technology that enables you to verify your brand by display your registered logo alongside your outgoing emails. Recipients can see your brand logo assuring them that it’s really from you, cultivating a more immersive email experience. About Indusface: Indusface is a leading application security SaaS company that secures critical Web, Mobile, and API applications of 3000+ global customers using its award-winning fully managed platform that integrates web application scanner, web application firewall, DDoS & BOT Mitigation, CDN, and threat intelligence engine.

Code Sight and Rapid Scan Static - Enable Fast & Accurate SAST Scanning in the IDE | Synopsys

Synopsys Code Sight plug-in lets you perform fast, deep SAST directly within your IDE. With Rapid Static Scan, you can find vulnerabilities in the IDE and confirm security fixes in real-time as you code, avoid late stage fixes, and more.

The 443 Podcast Episode 213 - Cyber Energy Star

This week on the podcast we cover a proposed program from the White House to create an Energy Star-like label for cybersecurity in consumer products. Before that, we cover two other updates from the federal government including a new open source tool from CISA and the latest reincarnation of Privacy Shield. The 443 Security Simplified is a weekly podcast that gets inside the minds of leading white-hat hackers and security researchers, covering the latest cybersecurity headlines and trends.

Cybersecurity startup founders roundtable

We are pulling together several cybersecurity founders to talk about their companies, their experiences, lessons they have learned, and things they wished they knew. All of this with the intent of imparting some knowledge and inspiring those that may be sitting on the sidelines. Innovation is the lifeblood of cybersecurity and we want to do everything we can to get more people in the game.