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Scarleteel 2.0 and the MITRE ATT&CK framework

In this blog post, we will take a comprehensive dive into a real-world cyber attack that reverberated across the digital realm – SCARLETEEL. Through an in-depth analysis of this notorious incident using the MITRE ATT&CK framework, we aim to unearth invaluable insights into the operational tactics of cyber adversaries.

The Stealthy Threat of AI Prompt Injection Attacks

Just last week the UK’s NCSC issued a warning, stating that it sees alarming potential for so-called prompt injection attacks, driven by the large language models that power AI. The NSCS stated “Amongst the understandable excitement around LLMs, the global tech community still doesn‘t yet fully understand LLM’s capabilities, weaknesses, and (crucially) vulnerabilities.

How AI is Helping Cybercriminals and What You Can Do for Your Protection

Artificial intelligence is an all-encompassing tool that leverages computer systems to mimic intelligent actions like solving problems and learning. Due to its general nature, AI can aid almost any endeavor. Sadly, this includes leveraging it for malicious purposes. How do cybercrooks use AI to aid their activities? Can you do anything about it? We explore answers to both!

Deciphering alphabet soup: IoCs and IoAs

Security Operations teams are the cornerstone of the fight against last-mile cybercrime in any organization. This is why they need the most advanced technologies possible.But the fight against cybercriminals isn’t simply a question of technology. Having a proactive attitude against possible cyberattacks is also key. This is where we see two essential concepts for all Security Operations teams: IoCs (indicators of compromise) and IoAs (indicators of attack). What is the difference?

What are Software Supply Chain Attacks?

Software supply chain attacks, or digital supply chain attacks, have become increasingly prevalent over the last couple of years. According to a study by KPMG, 73% of organizations have experienced at least one significant disruption from a third-party in the last three years. What’s the best way to protect against potential software supply chain attacks? To get the answer, let’s define what those attacks are, how they happen, and how you can defend against them.

CISO's Corner: Cybersecurity Best Practices: Securing Employee Smartphones

Arguably, the most used device by an organization’s employees is their smartphone. Ensuring that anyone, from the CEO to a newcomer being onboarded, knows how to keep this device safe should be paramount. Why? Globally, more than 2 million attacks on mobile devices are reported each month, according to Statista. While the number of attacks has dropped precipitously from its peak of 6.5 million in October 2020, it is still dangerously high and a favorite threat actor attack vector.

Nearly One-Quarter of Financial-Themed Spam Emails are Phishing Attacks

While spam tends to be dismissed as being more an annoyance, new research shows that there is a very real and ever-present threat in emails that are marked as “spam”. I’ve written plenty about phishing attacks that target bank customers. It’s nothing new. What’s interesting is a recent article by security researchers at BitDefender where banking-related phishing attacks are considered spam.

Discovering Unknown Problems in the Alert Pipeline

Financial services institutions (FSIs) have become an increasingly common target for malicious actors. According to Boston Consulting Group, FSIs are 300 times more likely to face cyber attacks than other sectors, and the 2022 VansonBourne report noted that 94% of the FSIs it surveyed experienced a cyber attack in the last 12 months.