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Psychological Deterrence: Using Simple Tactics to Prevent Cyber Attacks | Razorthorn Security

Learn from Robert Black about using psychological deterrence in cybersecurity. He shares insights on how simple techniques, like the presence of CCTV or symbolic imagery, can influence behaviour and prevent attacks. Discover how these principles can be applied in cyberspace.

Engaging the Dark Web: Innovative Strategies to Deter Cyber Attacks

Robert Black explores how organisations can actively engage with the dark web to shape and influence threat actors. By taking an organisational approach rather than a purely technical one, companies can dissuade attackers and protect their assets more effectively. Discover unconventional methods to enhance your cybersecurity posture.

What is a Sophisticated Bot Attack?

Earlier this year we stated that bot attacks can be run by anyone, from skilled individuals to organised gangs. Bots can hit websites for a number of reasons. Common attacks include credential cracking to account takeover, to scalping. These bots have the power and capability to conduct multiple attacks repeatedly. Those actions have long seen standard for bots though, so what is new in the world of bot attacks? What is making these attacks more sophisticated?

New Transparent Phishing Attacks Leverage Cloudflare Worker Serverless Computing

An increasing number of phishing campaigns from several threat groups are being tracked as they leverage legitimate Cloudflare services as part of account compromise attacks. Security analysts at Netskope take an expository look at the misuse of Cloudflare services for the purpose of enabling phishing attacks that leverage HTML Smuggling and Transparent Phishing tactics. We’ve seen HTML Smuggling attacks for several years, including its continued use this year.

Best Practices for Secure Communication During Business Trips in the APAC Region

Make no mistakes about it, we live in a world where information is power. Securing your information while you communicate on business trips is critical, especially within regions like APAC (Asia Pacific) where rapid technological advancement has led to increased risk of cyber threats.

91% of Every Ransomware Attack Today Includes Exfiltrating Your Data

New insight into ransomware attacks show that cyber attacks are a top concern for organizations – with many not aware they were a victim until after the attack. According to Arctic Wolf’s The State of Cybersecurity: 2024 Trends Report, 91% of reported ransomware attacks included a data exfiltration effort. This is far more than the sub-80% numbers we’ve seen from the Coveware quarterly reports we cover.

AI Threat Scenario, GuLoader, DarkGate, MirrorBlast, Kutaki Stealer and More - Hacker's Playbook Threat Coverage Round-up: May 2024

In this version of the Hacker’s Playbook Threat Coverage round-up, we are highlighting attack coverage for newly discovered or analyzed threats, including a newly created scenario that leverages AI Generated malware. SafeBreach customers can select and run these attacks and more from the SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook to ensure coverage against these advanced threats. Additional details about the threats and our coverage can be seen below.

Combating the DDoS IoT Threat: Strategies to Protect Your Connected Devices

In the realm of IoT, DDoS attacks are not just a threat but a harsh reality. This article cuts through the complexity of DDoS IoT threats, offering a clear understanding of how IoT devices are hijacked for DDoS attacks and presenting actionable strategies to protect these devices. From recognising vulnerabilities to implementing robust defences, we provide the insights you need to secure your network against the dire consequences of DDoS attacks.

Data Destruction: The Final Line of Defense Against Cyber Attacks

Data is the lifeblood of modern organizations, and while watertight data protection policies are undeniably crucial, the need for robust data destruction methods has never been more pressing. Ultimately, all parties and vendors in your supply chain trust you to maintain the integrity of their data. Once that data is no longer needed, transparency about its whereabouts is vital.