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13 Best DDoS Protection Software in the Market 2024

With DDoS attacks on the rise—surpassing 4.25 billion in 2023—the right protection is crucial. Costly downtime—$6,130/minute—underscores the urgency. These attacks are getting more sophisticated, especially those that target the application layer. They’re hard to spot because they look like normal traffic and can seriously mess up a company’s operations and finances.

Cisco Calls Out Organizations As Being "Overconfident and Unprepared" for Cyber Attacks

In a new report, Cisco says the cyber readiness of organizations is lacking despite having experienced multiple cyber attacks within the last year. The maturity of an organization’s state of cyber readiness may very well dictate the outcome of an attack; it’s one thing to have a bunch of solutions in place, and it’s completely another to have the right solutions, policies, practices, and plans in place to address cyber risks.

How To Prevent Brute Force Attacks

Brute force attacks are one of the most common methods used by cybercriminals to steal credentials from organizations. To prevent brute force attacks, organizations need to enforce the use of strong and unique passwords, invest in a business password manager, require employees to enable MFA, monitor and limit login attempts, implement passwordless authentication and delete inactive accounts.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Preventing Javascript Injections

If over 40 major banks can be the target of JavaScript injection attacks, let’s be honest – so can you. In 2023, a malware campaign using this attack method affected 50,000 user sessions across more than 40 financial institutions worldwide, leaving many dev teams in pure damage-control mode. A large number of professional developers (especially front-end developers) use JavaScript more often than any other programming language.

UK Councils Under Cyber Attack: The Urgent Need for a Culture of Cybersecurity and Resilience

The very fabric that stitches our society together — our councils and local governing bodies — is under a silent siege from cyber attacks. The recent ransomware assault on Leicester Council is another real life cybercrime added to a growing list of attacks in the UK.

Understanding APIs and How Attackers Abuse Them to Steal Data

Simply put, APIs (short for application programming interface) are how machines, cloud workloads, automation and other non-human entities communicate with one another. They also represent an access point to highly sensitive company data and services. Almost every organization uses these machine interfaces, and their usage is only growing because they are essential to digital transformation and automation initiatives.

Cyberattack at Sisense Puts Critical Infrastructure on Alert

The cybersecurity community woke up on Thursday to news of a cyberattack on Sisense, a major business analytics software company. It’s thought that the breach may have exposed hundreds of Sisense’s customers to a supply chain attack and provided the attacker with a door into the company’s customer networks.

The Future of Cybersecurity: Leveraging Breach and Attack Simulation for Proactive Defense

The digital landscape is no longer a frontier; it's a full-fledged battlefield. As organizations become increasingly reliant on interconnected technologies, their attack surface expands exponentially. Firewalls and antivirus software, the traditional defense lines, are akin to medieval fortifications in the face of modern artillery. To survive in this ever-evolving warzone, organizations need a proactive approach, a way to anticipate and counter threats before they inflict damage. Enter Breach and Attack Simulation (BAS), a transformative tool poised to revolutionize the future of cybersecurity.