Tel Aviv, Israel
  |  By Tal Kanetty
External Attack Surface Management, or EASM, empowers organizations to proactively manage and secure their digital presence in an ever-evolving threat landscape. There are two critical EASM processes that this blog post will cover – Asset Discovery and Attack Surface Mapping.
  |  By Ohad Shushan
Modern cybersecurity challenges require a comprehensive approach to attack surface management. As technology evolves, organizations find themselves facing a multitude of cyber threats from various directions. These threats are not limited to internal systems but extend across external attack surfaces and the digital supply chain. To navigate this complex threat landscape, organizations need more than just raw data; they need actionable threat intelligence that provides context and guides targeted action.
  |  By Ohad Shushan
Security misconfigurations can open the door to potential cyberattacks, leading to data breaches, system compromises, and other severe consequences for organizations. In modern IT environments, including cloud infrastructure and other digital platforms, these misconfiguration vulnerabilities are becoming increasingly common and complex. Preventing and addressing security misconfigurations requires a collaborative effort across DevOps, DevSecOps, and security teams.
  |  By Fara Hain
As organizations increasingly adopt a mix of cloud-based and on-premises systems, they face unique challenges in securing their hybrid infrastructures. Unlike traditional IT setups, where everything is managed within the confines of a single data center, hybrid infrastructures combine the agility of the cloud with the control of on-premises systems. While this blend offers flexibility and scalability, it also introduces security complexity and a broader attack surface.
  |  By Nethanel Gelernter
The research team warned today that a script from the domain and service, which was purchased earlier this year by a Chinese company named ‘Funnull’, has been modified to introduce malicious code on websites in a supply chain attack. Currently over 100,000 sites could be impacted.
  |  By Fara Hain
What are your most important corporate assets? Like most companies, you probably have mission-critical assets and those that play a smaller role in your revenue and continuity. You are also likely to be using Vulnerability Management or Assessment tools to lock down where those assets can potentially be compromised. Vulnerability Prioritization combines asset importance and potential for risk.
  |  By Nethanel Gelernter
SolarWinds has recently addressed a critical security flaw, designated as CVE-2024-28995, in its Serv-U Managed File Transfer and Secure FTP software. This vulnerability, discovered by Hussein Daher, involves a directory traversal flaw that allows unauthenticated attackers to access sensitive files on the host system.
  |  By Nethanel Gelernter
The digital supply chain refers to the chain of third-party digital tools, services and infrastructure that a company depends on for a particular first-party service (such as their website or SaaS platform). In an ever-changing digital landscape, supply chains can be brittle with many unseen risks. The nature of supply chain risk is transitive; any part of the often long and complicated digital supply chain can be compromised, causing all components downstream of it to also be compromised.
  |  By Fara Hain
IONIX’s Cloud Cross-View (CCV) uses cloud integrations to broaden the scope of attack surface mapping and coverage beyond traditional methods of monitoring. CCV extends asset analysis to consider aspects that are specific to cloud environments. This complements CSPM and CNAPP solutions by enriching them with broader attack surface data obtained through IONIX’s EASM capabilities.
  |  By Nethanel Gelernter
CVE-2024-24919 is a critical security vulnerability identified in Check Point Quantum Security Gateway, a widely used network security appliance. This vulnerability allows attackers to exploit the gateway, leading to the exposure of sensitive information. As a zero-day exploit, it presents significant risks to organizations relying on Check Point for their network security.
  |  By IONIX
How to Expose Critical Threats and Proactively Prevent Breaches In today's cyber landscape, identifying and mitigating threats from an attacker's perspective is not just an option – it's a necessity. Watch this insightful fireside chat with Forrester Senior Analyst Erik Nost and IONIX CEO Marc Gaffan, as they dive into the world of Threat Exposure Management (TEM) and its pivotal role in safeguarding your business.
  |  By IONIX
Growing digital connectivity has led to the rise of digital supply-chain attacks. This session will explain, demonstrate, and provide statistics about the complexity of the problem and about attacks that arose due to dependencies on external infrastructures. While there is no simple solution to the problem, we will present a strategy to reduce exposure and create processes to avoid such vulnerabilities.
  |  By IONIX
Senior principal analyst and ESG fellow John Oltsik discusses Improving the Effectiveness of Attack Surface Management Programs.
  |  By IONIX
In a world where organizations cannot fix everything, security and IT teams need a practical way to identify and act on critical exposures. IONIX Threat Exposure Radar exposes critical risks so you can effectively reduce risk and improve your security posture.
  |  By IONIX
  |  By IONIX
​Gain control of your external attack surface and digital supply chain with Cyberpion and Azure Sentinel Nethanel Gelernter, Cyberpion
  |  By IONIX
The Apache Log4j vulnerability will likely continue to create challenges for security teams for months to come, and we want you to be prepared.
  |  By IONIX
We are kicking off December and Talking Cloud with the Co-Founder and CBO at Cyberpion. If you're like me, you're wondering how to pronounce the name of the company, let alone exactly what they do in the cloud. You'll not only learn how to properly pronounce the name of the company but also learn where the name came from and the unique solution they have built to address the hyper-connected world we all live in today. Hear my fun and informative discussion with Ran Nahamis.
  |  By IONIX
Cyberpion's Ecosystem Security platform enables security teams to identify and neutralize the rising threats stemming from vulnerabilities within the online assets throughout an enterprise's far-reaching, hyperconnected ecosystem.
  |  By IONIX
Download this complimentary report and learn why Omdia sees Cyberpion as well placed to carve out a share of the expanding EASM market, given the breadth of its current offering and its plans for where it needs to take its technology next.
  |  By IONIX
The move to the cloud has exponentially increased this phenomenon: The IT team is no longer required for provisioning storage, running an application, or configuring a server. Along with the growth in Shadow IT, the security risk has grown as well. Potential backdoors have been created and internal data has moved online, violating compliance requirements and compromising the organization's security posture.
  |  By IONIX
Full external attack surface visibility is just the first step to safeguarding your organization. Cyberpion goes beyond visibility to combine an attack surface vulnerability assessment for each connected asset, whether your own (first party) or from a third party. Moreover, the platform actively responds to major vulnerabilities, like dangling DNS records, by taking temporary ownership of the relevant IP address or subdomain to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.
  |  By IONIX
Cybersecurity teams need to develop and maintain a set of practices around their online attack surface. These practices must include attack surface visibility and mapping of third-party connections as well as constant assessment of the risks of these connections. Controls must include the ability to detect and alert on risky or broken connections, coupled with automated remediation when feasible.

IONIX is the only EASM solution that discovers the full extent of your online risk exposure and actively protects your hyper-connected external attack surface.

With growing reliance on SaaS, Cloud, APIs, and 3rd party services, hyper-connectivity presents the fastest-growing and most serious risk to enterprises like yours. Mostly invisible, unmanaged, and everchanging, exposed hyper-connected assets, whether yours or your business partners, are easy entry points for attackers to exploit.

Operate Confidently Online with IONIX:

  • Attack Surface Discovery: Identify the internet-facing assets you own and their extended connections with unmatched coverage and precision.
  • Risk Assessment: Evaluate each discovered asset, its connectivity, and related kill chains for exploitable vulnerabilities and risks.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: Identify assets and connections that are no longer in use so you reduce your attack surface and exposure to risk.
  • Active Protection: Support your security team with Active Protection, so you prevent exploitation of your most vulnerable assets.
  • Risk Prioritization: Accelerate mitigation with a prioritized list of action items to help your security team effectively focus their efforts.
  • Workflow Integration: Integrate your current security tools including Microsoft Azure Sentinel, ServiceNow, Atlassian Jira, Splunk, and Cortex XSOAR.

Discover and Protect Your Attack Surface.