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Cloudflare meets new Global Cross-Border Privacy (CBPR) standards

Cloudflare proudly leads the way with our approach to data privacy and the protection of personal information, and we’ve been an ardent supporter of the need for the free flow of data across jurisdictional borders. So today, on Data Privacy Day (also known internationally as Data Protection Day), we’re happy to announce that we’re adding our fourth and fifth privacy validations, and this time, they are global firsts!

Introducing GitGuardian Secrets Detection Integration For ServiceNow

GitGuardian can now scan for secrets throughout all your ServiceNow tables and records. GitGuardian now integrates natively with ServiceNow to help your team find and eliminate more than 450 types of secrets that might have been leaked into your instance of the popular process automation platform.

Random but Memorable - Episode 14.1: Breakfast Cereal Hacking Culture with Emily Crose

We’re back! Join us for a brand new season, as we welcome special guest, Emily Crose, to discuss her new book: Hack to The Future: How World Governments Relentlessly Pursue and Domesticate Hackers. Tune in as we deep-dive into the history of hacker culture and its transformation into a geopolitical force.

Debugging Connectivity in Calico eBPF: The Mysterious bpfDataIfaceRegexp & co.

The eBPF dataplane differs from traditional Linux dataplane in many ways, with its structure largely dictated by the location of the so-called eBPF hooks inside the kernel – locations where developers can inject their eBPF programs to change default kernel behavior.

Fortinet Firewall Authentication Bypass Vulnerability (CVE-2024-55591)

As per a recent update from Fortinet, Exploitation of CVE-2024-55591, a recently disclosed authentication bypass vulnerability in FortiOS and FortiProxy, allows remote attackers to achieve super-admin privileges. By sending specially crafted requests to the Node.js WebSocket module, attackers can exploit this zero-day vulnerability to gain unauthorized access.