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eBPF: Enabling Security and Performance to Co-Exist

Today, most organizations and individuals use Linux and the Linux kernel with a “one-size-fits-all” approach. This differs from how Linux was used in the past–for example, 20 years ago, many users would compile their kernel and modify it to fit their specific needs, architectures and use cases. This is no longer the case, as one-size-fits-all has become good enough. But, like anything in life, “good enough” is not the best you can get.

Quick start guide for using Calico policies for Calico Open Source users

Calico policies are a way to enforce network security at the pod level. This blog post will provide a comprehensive overview of Calico policies for Calico OS (Open Source) users. We will cover the basics of Calico policies, including what they are, how they work, and how to use them. We will also provide best practices for using Calico policies and examples of how they can be used in real-world scenarios.

How to Address Kubernetes Risks and Vulnerabilities Head-on

Misconfigurations and container image vulnerabilities are major causes of Kubernetes threats and risks. According to Gartner, more than 90% of global organizations will be running containerized applications in production by 2027. This is a significant increase from fewer than 40% in 2021. As container adoption soars, Kubernetes remains the dominant container orchestration platform.

Container Security: Protect your data with Calico Egress Access Controls

23andMe is a popular genetics testing company, which was valued at $6B in 2021. Unfortunately, there was a massive data breach in December 2023, which caused a steep decline in the company’s value and trust, plummeting the company to a penny stock. While this breach was not directly related to Kubernetes, the same risks apply to containers running in your Kubernetes environments.

What's new in Calico - Spring 2024

Calico, the leading solution for container networking and security, unveils a host of new features this spring. From new security capabilities that simplify operations, enhanced visualization for faster troubleshooting, and major enhancements to its popular workload-centric distributed WAF, Calico is set to redefine how you manage and secure your containerized workloads. This blog describes the new capabilities in Calico.

How To Get Real-Time Notifications for Denied Traffic With Prometheus and AlertManager

Network policies are essential for securing your Kubernetes clusters. They allow you to control which pods can communicate with each other, and to what extent. However, it can be difficult to keep track of all of your network policies and to ensure that they are configured correctly. This is especially true if you have a large and complex cluster with more than 100 nodes. One way to address this challenge is to leverage Prometheus and AlertManager embedded in Calico Enterprise/Cloud.

3 observability best practices for improved security in cloud-native applications

Observability, especially in the context of cloud-native applications, is important for several reasons. First and foremost is security. By design, cloud-native applications rely on multiple, dynamic, distributed, and highly ephemeral components or microservices, with each microservice operating and scaling independently to deliver the application functionality.

Enhancing Kubernetes network security with microsegmentation: A strategic approach

Microsegmentation represents a transformative approach to enhancing network security within Kubernetes environments. This technique divides networks into smaller, isolated segments, allowing for granular control over traffic flow and significantly bolstering security posture. At its core, microsegmentation leverages Kubernetes network policies to isolate workloads, applications, namespaces, and entire clusters, tailoring security measures to specific organizational needs and compliance requirements.

CVE-2024-3094 Exposed: A Guide to Overcoming XZ/liblzma and Similar Threats Using Calico

Before we start this blog post, let’s acknowledge that the only way to secure your environment from any vulnerability is to update the vulnerable hardware or software with patches that the author or the project community releases. Every other form of mitigation is only a way to provide an extended time for critical applications that cannot be updated immediately.

Prevent Data Exfiltration in Kubernetes: The Critical Role of Egress Access Controls

Data exfiltration and ransomware attacks in cloud-native applications are evolving cyber threats that pose significant risks to organizations, leading to substantial financial losses, reputational damage, and operational disruptions. As Kubernetes adoption grows for running containerized applications, it becomes imperative to address the unique security challenges it presents.