Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

Product Release

Introducing SSH command controls and advanced PEDM capabilities for Linux in PAM360

PAM360 is ManageEngine’s comprehensive privileged access management (PAM) solution designed for enterprises to protect sensitive, privileged identities from internal and external threats. With the principle of least privilege enshrined across the product, PAM360’s privilege elevation and delegation management (PEDM) capabilities help enterprises eliminate standing privileges and provide granular privileged access in a restricted, time-based manner.

Introducing Enterprise OPA: an Enterprise-grade OPA Distribution Built for Data-heavy Workloads

Today, we launched Enterprise OPA, an enterprise-grade OPA distribution built to provide resource-efficient performance for data-heavy authorization. Designed to mitigate the effects of data-heavy workloads, our new offering allows you to reduce infrastructure costs, optimize authorization performance and minimize enterprise risk with powerful live impact analysis, while connecting natively to existing data sources.

Introducing Torq Parallel Loop

Introducing Torq Parallel Loop Torq is proud to introduce Parallel Loop, a new capability that enables users to process bulk data from myriad security tools with unprecedented ease. It also provides the power of orchestration like no other automation tool in the security automation industry with true parallelism. That means multiple tasks can be run simultaneously, and optionally, on multiple elastically-scaled compute resources, shortening the time workflow automations take to complete by 10x or more.

Corelight Investigator introduces new Machine Learning Models

Corelight Investigator furthers its commitment to delivering next-level analytics through the expansion of its machine learning models. Security teams are now enabled with additional supervised and deep learning models, including: We continue to provide complete transparency behind our evidence -- showing the logic behind our machine learning models and detections, allowing analysts to quickly and easily validate the alerts.

Black Duck's New Year's Resolution

The new Black Duck SCA release offers enhancements to help organizations to better understand the potential risks in their software supply chain. Black Duck® software composition analysis (SCA) started the new year off strong and got a running start on its resolution to better help teams secure their software supply chain at the speed of modern software development. Let’s look at some of the highlights of the 2023.1.0 release.

Nightfall Enables Advanced Secret Detection with Enhanced Machine Learning API Key Detector

Compromised secrets and credentials are the most common cause of data breaches and are often left unmanaged. In the past year alone, we’ve seen sustained growth in supply chain attacks and security incidents impacting the security of secrets stored in code repos or unknowingly shared within SaaS applications. Because of this, there is a compelling need for reliable, accurate, and actionable secrets detection for modern organizations.

Nightfall's New PHI Detector Improves Security Automation for Healthcare Orgs

With Nightfall’s enhanced PHI detection capabilities, which are based on an advanced combination of logic and context, it is very easy to identify specific instances of PHI unique to organizations. What’s even better is that all of this can be automated and tie seamlessly into existing customer workflows.

Accelerating Secure Infrastructure Deployments with Policy-as-Code Authorization

Styra is today introducing a better way for platform engineering teams to empower hundreds or thousands of developers and accelerate their infrastructure deployments, including the broadest policy library and infrastructure authorization toolset for Kubernetes, Terraform and CloudFormation.

Introducing PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server Connectors in Keeper Connection Manager (KCM) 2.11.0

Keeper Connection Manager 2.11.0 introduces new connections with PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server, plus other enhancements noted below. Keeper Connection Manager allows organizations to connect to endpoints without the need for VPN.