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July 2023

Seamless Integration Between Azure and Your Password Manager

Since its launch in 2010, Microsoft Azure has been deployed to millions of organizations worldwide. Azure offers a vast array of services, including virtual machines, databases, AI and machine learning tools, analytics, networking, and storage options. Due to the global popularity of these cloud services, Keeper Security has prioritized seamless integration with Microsoft Azure.

What You Need to Know About StackRot - CVE-2023-3269

StackRot, identified as CVE-2023-3269 is a 7.8 HIGH use-after-free vulnerability in the Linux kernel versions 6.1 to 6.4 that can lead to privilege escalation. The vulnerability, which was disclosed by Ruihan Li who also released detailed information about it, is caused by a change in the VMA (Virtual Memory Address) tree structure from using red-black trees to maple trees.

Machine Learning in Security: Detect DNS Data Exfiltration Using Deep Learning

Since the Domain Name System (DNS) protocol is foundational for internet functionality, DNS traffic is allowed to move through firewalls without much scrutiny unlike HTTPS, FTP and SMTP. Malicious actors have successfully been able to exploit this advantage to transfer data between networks, which is beyond the original intention of DNS protocol.

Weekly Cybersecurity Recap July 7

It has been another significant week for data breaches in the United States. TSMC, the largest semiconductor company in the world, was hit by an attack that will impact major companies like Apple and others, and so were a huge number of insurance companies. Jackson NAtional, Talcott Resolution, and USAA were all victims of data breaches. So was UCLA, the massive public university.

USAA Insurance Suffered a Serious Breach Exposing Thousands

USAA Auto Insurance is one of the leading insurance companies in the country today and is known for offering reliable coverage to many people in the country. The organization was founded in 1922 with a group of Army officers and has since expanded dramatically. The organization serves millions of individuals and has detailed information for so many customers that it's a real risk that the company recently went through a data breach.

7 Best Practices to Prevent Intellectual Property Theft

Original ideas, developments, and trade secrets help businesses increase their value and stand out among competitors. But as market competition grows, the risks of intellectual property (IP) theft and leaks also grow. Preventing intellectual property theft is a challenge in cybersecurity of organizations that requires implementing proper security policies and procedures. In this article, we explore possible scenarios of intellectual property theft and dig into how to protect your IP.

Acoustic panels - take care of acoustics in every room!

Surely you have experienced discomfort caused by echoes and reverberation in a given room. This is a particularly intrusive experience when sound quality matters to you, such as when listening to music, watching TV or giving a speech. To prevent annoying noise from interfering with the reception of sound and speech, opt for acoustic panels for private, commercial, business premises and more! What are they, and how do they affect acoustics?

Top tips: What AI-powered security risks should you keep an eye out for?

We’ve all heard the cliché, “Change is the only constant.” Sure, it’s been overused to a point where it may have lost its meaning, but that doesn’t change the fact that this statement is true—and it couldn’t be more apt when describing the global tech landscape.

What is Threat Intelligence in Cybersecurity?

The evolving threat landscape necessitates proactive approaches to identify, assess, and mitigate potential cyber security risks. Threat intelligence is one of the most potent weapons we have against digital hazards. Yet, many organizations remain uncertain about what it entails, how to apply it effectively, and what threat intelligence solution to choose. This lack of understanding could be detrimental as cyber threats continue to evolve, becoming more sophisticated and disruptive.

Reality of Cyber Warfare: What It Means for Our Technological Reliance

As a species, we have become increasingly dependent on technology, a fact that hasn't gone unnoticed by various observers. Infosec experts have long discussed the concept of cyber warfare—its potential appearance, methods of execution, and warning signs to watch out for. However, until now, our understanding of this phenomenon has been limited, as it was largely theoretical. Presently, due to the ongoing global events, we are faced with a stark reality where cyber warfare could potentially manifest on a large scale.