Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Identify Gaps and Thwart Attacks with Devo Exchange and the MITRE ATT&CK Framework

The MITRE ATT&CKⓇ framework holds immense value in the realm of cybersecurity. With its comprehensive and structured approach, it serves as a powerful tool for understanding and countering complex, multi-vector cyber threats.

Australia's National Anti-Scam Centre: Prevention Is Better Than the Cure

Australia officially launched their National Anti-Scam Centre this week. With more than AUD $3.1 billion lost each year, Australians need support. With representatives from the banks, telecommunications industries and digital platforms, the intent of the center is to identify methods to disrupt all kinds of scams and reduce scam losses. While I completely support this initiative, it would be remiss of me not to highlight that the prevention of scams is perhaps as important as the cure.

How Cloudflare Images addressed the aCropalypse vulnerability

Acropalypse (CVE-2023-21036) is a vulnerability caused by image editing tools failing to truncate images when editing has made them smaller, most often seen when images are cropped. This leaves remnants of the cropped contents written in the file after the image has finished. The remnants (written in a ‘trailer’ after the end-of-image marker) are ignored by most software when reading the image, but can be used to partially reconstruct the original image by an attacker.

What is Juice Jacking?

Juice jacking is a security exploit in which devices are compromised when plugged into an infected USB charging station, port or use an infected charging cable. This type of security exploit takes advantage of the fact that many people need to charge their devices, especially when traveling, and use the provided USB cables to do so. Apart from charging devices, USB cables are also used to sync data which is how attackers are able to take advantage and extract data from devices.

CMMC Requirements For Small Businesses

There are five levels that make up the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) framework. These levels range from Level 1 (Basic Cyber Hygiene) to Level 5 (Advanced/Progressive). With each level of cybersecurity certification, the requirements of the previous level are built upon and new controls and practices are introduced.

Threat Actors in 2023: Who They Are & How To Defend Against Bad Actors

Risks are everywhere. Online, in real life. Digital transformation and the rapid integration of cloud-based technologies has been met with an unprecedented increase in cybersecurity risks. In most cases, standard cybersecurity best practices and a strong mechanism for Identity and Access Management will take care of most exploits, vulnerabilities and human errors that lead to a data leak.

How to Decide Whether Vulnerability Remediation Augmented by Generative AI Reduces or Incurs Risk

Software security vendors are applying Generative AI to systems that suggest or apply remediations for software vulnerabilities. This tech is giving security teams the first realistic options for managing security debt at scale while showing developers the future they were promised; where work is targeted at creating user value instead of looping back to old code that generates new work.

Cloudflare Alternatives for Cloud WAF in 2023

Cloudflare is a leading global web infrastructure and cybersecurity company. Founded in 2009, Cloudflare provides a wide range of products and services designed to improve websites’ and internet applications’ performance, reliability, and security. One of Cloudflare’s primary focuses is on security.

How a Modern eTMF Ensures Inspection Readiness

Effective Trial Master File (TMF) management is crucial for regulatory compliance in clinical trials. An audit can happen at any time, so sponsors and CROs must ensure that all required documents are accurate and accounted for throughout the lifecycle of a study. ‍ Ongoing inspection readiness is easier said than done, which is why many organizations leverage an eTMF solution to help. But there are a lot of eTMFs out there, and evaluating your options can be overwhelming.

Enhancing Identity Verification in Loan Origination with Face Trace

In a rapidly digitalizing world, data and identity security have never been more paramount. As organizations adapt to this reality, one domain witnessing significant evolution is loan origination. The advent of sophisticated technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and biometrics, has made it possible to implement robust identity verification systems. Enter Face Trace, an innovative biometric face verification product that is reshaping the future of secure financial transactions.

Harnessing Face Biometrics and Face Recognition for Robust Security in Complex Organizational Systems

Biometrics revolutionizes the authentication landscape by leveraging unique biological characteristics, such as fingerprints, iris patterns, and facial features. Unlike traditional methods, biometrics provides a highly reliable and secure means of identity verification. Among these modalities, face recognition emerges as a convenient and non-intrusive approach that ensures robust security while enhancing user experience.