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July 2023

The Charles George VA Medical Center Suffered a Breach Exposing 1500+ Veterans

The Charles George VA Medical Center is a large facility located in Asheville, North Carolina. The center offers healthcare services to veterans, starting with primary care and telemedicine and moving on to specialized care. Most specialty services are available at the facility, including endocrinology, dermatology, dental, cancer care, hematology, neurology, pharmacy, and more. Veterans can go to the facility for most of their healthcare needs.

Roadmap to Secure Code Signing to Safeguard the Digital World

Before the coronavirus pandemic, there was minimal traffic on the web, but since the Internet gained popularity, there has been an immense threat to users while exploring different interfaces. In the interconnected world, software reigns supreme, playing a vital role in our personal and professional lives. With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, software has become the backbone of countless operations. But, this software-driven landscape has its dangers.

The Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Cybersecurity - Part 2

It’s no secret that we’re (still) in an international cyber talent crisis, and that skilled workers are in high demand. We conducted research into the top ten highest paying jobs in cybersecurity to find out just what kind of opportunities awaited those who entered the field. Here are the types of jobs companies are willing to pay (the most) for and what they entail for those looking to upskill, reskill, or make the transition into a cyber-focused career.

The Thin Line Between User Behavioral Analytics and Privacy Violation

Technology has supercharged marketing. The vast data at marketers' disposal provides unparalleled insight into what customers want, why they want it, and how they use products and services. Behavioral analytics benefits businesses and consumers; it allows companies to drive sales and increase conversion rates while providing customers services tailored to their wants and needs.

Making the Most with Less: A CISO's Guide to Budget Scrutiny & Technology Consolidation

For years, cybersecurity teams had a blank check to spend on their efforts. Between rampant ransomware, an exploded distributed workforce post-pandemic, and the uncertainty surrounding digital transformation, CISOs and security teams were given the reins to spend how they pleased. That’s no longer the case. Now, economic headwinds are leading to trimmed budgets and cut resources. To make matters more challenging, sophisticated boards are asking harder questions around cyber risk and exposure.

Unveiling the secrets: Exploring whitespace steganography for secure communication

In the realm of data security, there exists a captivating technique known as whitespace steganography. Unlike traditional methods of encryption, whitespace steganography allows for the hiding of sensitive information within whitespace characters, such as spaces, tabs, and line breaks.

Organizations Need to Establish Trust to Enhance Supply Chain Security

Enhancing the trust and security of the supply chain is on the minds of many a cybersecurity executive today, and will likely be a topic of interest and concern in the months and years to come. It’s not surprising then, that the focal point of a recent RSA Conference virtual seminar was supply chain security. A panel held during the event covered the topic of establishing trust to enhance supply chain security, which is surely one of the more daunting challenges organizations face.

Centralized Log Management for ANSSI and CIIP Framework Compliance

Decree No. 2009-834 established ANSSI (Agence nationale de la sécurité des systèmes d’information) as the National Cybersecurity Agency of France in 2009. In 2013, Article 22 of the Military Programming Law defined ANSSI’s functions and responsibilities, giving the agency regulatory and enforcement powers. Further, ANSSI is France’s primary point of contact with the larger European Union (EU) Network and Information Systems (NIS) Directive, with Decree No.