
San Francisco, CA, USA
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In today's digital landscape, trust is paramount. Customers want to know that their data is secure and that they can rely on the companies they do business with. ‍ One of the best ways to provide this assurance is through a well-crafted, up-to-date Trust Center. But what exactly should go into a Trust Center? How easy are they to maintain, and how much manual work do they save security teams?
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Vanta announces that it has raised a $150 million Series C funding round at a valuation of $2.45 billion.
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Vanta was founded on a mission to secure the internet and protect consumer data. We got our start in 2018 by automating compliance with information security frameworks like SOC 2, making it faster and easier for companies to demonstrate their security and unblock revenue.
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It's never been more important for organizations to demonstrate their security practices in order to win the trust of customers. ‍ Historically, companies have used static web pages to demonstrate their security posture. And while these can act as helpful marketing tools, these pages don't provide enough evidence for customers to evaluate a vendor’s security program. This leads to lengthy email threads and manual processes in order to manage incoming customer requests. ‍
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There are several steps your organization must take to protect itself from potentially exploitable packages. First, you’ll need to carefully review and triage the package vulnerabilities that present risk to your organization, then you’ll need to patch each one. Patching a package may sound easy, but doing so without breaking your product can be tricky. ‍ Before patching, you may review the changelog between versions. Opening the changelog, however, could further the patch dread.
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Continuous controls monitoring (CCM) is a crucial aspect of making GRC processes more automated, accurate, and actionable through technology. It helps organizations transition from inefficient point-in-time checks to automation-driven compliance controls that provide a real-time view into their security posture. That’s why many proactive risk management teams are already prioritizing control automation for their GRC program.
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According to Vanta’s 2023 State of Trust Report, respondents spend an average of nine working weeks per year on security compliance. ‍ Some security teams have accepted that governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) will inevitably take tons of time and effort. And many continue to work towards small-scale efficiencies because they don’t believe anything better is possible. ‍ But there’s a better option for today’s businesses: GRC automation.
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For many teams, managing governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) is still a very manual process. As a security leader, you might be wondering how to future-proof and scale your GRC program when so much of your team’s time is spent on collecting screenshots or copying and pasting information from one spreadsheet to another. ‍ The future of GRC management doesn’t have to be more of the same though.
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This month’s Vanta updates: ‍ ‍
By now, we're very familiar with the game-changing potential of AI. The rapid rise of ChatGPT has shown us just how quickly the technology has gone from concept to the palm of our hands. AI has the ability to dramatically accelerate workflows, and subsequently free up businesses to focus on strengthening their security and build customer trust. Why then is the UK's security industry so short on confidence when it comes to using it? One reason: a lack of regulation.
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Assessing and managing risk comes with challenges - that's old news. What's new is a single solution that manages risk with ease. Our eBook does a deep dive on risk management guidelines and the many challenges that happen along the way.
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Creating a continuous security process within your organization can be complex, especially if you lack time and budget. There are strategies to avoid overspending - both time and money.
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Do you need to add more security frameworks to your existing compliance program, but don't know where to start? Scaling your compliance program can feel like you're proving your security from scratch. It doesn't have to.
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With security, you can never have too much. MVSP is the latest in security compliance minimalism, created by present-day SaaS companies. MVSP, Minimal Viable Secure Project, is a lightweight security checklist for enterprise-ready products and services. MVSP is not intended to replace long-standing security framework standards like SOC 2, PCI, or NIST.

Vanta helps companies scale security practices and automate compliance for the industry’s most sought after standards - SOC 2, ISO 27001, HIPAA, GDPR, and other in-demand security and privacy frameworks.

Vanta is the leading automated security and compliance platform. Vanta helps your business get and stay compliant by continuously monitoring your people, systems and tools to improve your security posture.

The most in-demand frameworks in weeks, not months:

  • SOC 2: Prove your security to customers and close more deals.
  • ISO 27001: Sell at home and abroad with a globally-recognized standard.
  • HIPAA: Protect health information to maintain trust in your brand.
  • PCI DSS: Manage financial data, not fines.
  • GDPR: Demonstrate your commitment to data privacy.
  • CCPA: Demonstrate your commitment to data privacy.
  • Vanta Trust Reports: Build trust with transparent security documentation.
  • All Frameworks: Scale your compliance program with specialized privacy and security frameworks.

Automate compliance. Simplify security.