Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

February 2023

Introducing Custom Frameworks to the Vanta Platform

As organizations grow in size and complexity, so do their security and compliance needs. While Vanta's library of controls and supported frameworks are extensive, eventually, you may wish to use your internal expertise to build a framework Vanta doesn't support or create custom controls. ‍ Today we are excited to introduce custom frameworks and enhancements to custom controls to help you improve your workflows, organize your security commitments, and manage your work at scale. ‍

Vulnerability scanning tools: What are they and how should they be used?

Part of the challenge of creating a robust security posture is collecting the right toolbox full of tools and services. There’s a wide world out there full of tools that can enhance your security, but one of the most productive types of tools every organization needs is a vulnerability scanning tool. To help you navigate these types of tools and recognize how they fit into your information security system, we’re taking a closer look at these tools and how they work. ‍

When is the right time for vulnerability scanning?

All it takes for cybercriminals to breach your mission-critical networks, database, and IT systems is a single unpatched vulnerability. To prevent this and maintain good cyber hygiene, you need to obtain real-time vulnerability data. ‍ Vulnerability scans generate a lot of data that when analyzed reveal several security flaws.