Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

July 2023

Keeping your SLED Secure: Should you pay a ransom?

In this week's episode, Bill and Robin respond to a viewer request, and delive into the world of State, Local Government and Education, and how they can stay protected and secured with limited budgets. We cover documents issued by the FBI regarding how to stay safe, and also discuss how some OEM vendors are advocating that SLED organisations should just pay whatever ransom has been asked. Will this make the threat actors go away, or will they be here to extort another day?

Random but Memorable: People's Choice Bonus Episode

Surprise! We're back for a very short and sweet bonus episode. 🥳 🏆 We've been nominated for the 2023 People’s Choice Podcast Awards in the This Week in Tech – Technology category! You can help us win our first award – support the show by signing-up and voting for Random but Memorable today! 🏆 It would mean a lot to our team if you could spare a few minutes to vote.

Advanced Medical Management Suffered a Data Breach Impacted Nearly 320K People

Advanced Medical Management is a technical and healthcare management service that offers administrative and technical support to healthcare companies. The provider works with large-scale companies and their data in the process. It was alarming to learn the company suffered from a recent data breach, making its information available to individuals that shouldn't have it.

Cyberattack Spotlight: The Zero-Day Exploit

A zero-day attack takes advantage of a weakness in a target’s network, software, or infrastructure—without the target even knowing. These type of cyber attacks can be devastating because the attack will continue unimpeded until it’s eventually spotted (that’s if it’s spotted at all). This article shines a spotlight on the danger. We define the features of zero-day incidents and consider some famous case studies.

Build and secure multi-cluster CockroachDB using the Calico clustermesh: A step-by-step guide

With the rapid adoption of Kubernetes in organizations and the push to standardize the orchestration of resources with this approach, databases are now also being deployed into Kubernetes. Historically, persistent workloads like databases were not recommended for their deployment into Kuberntes as it was complex to manage how data would be stored. This was a result of Kubertnes originally being designed for non persistent microservice architectures.

Consolidation: The wave of the (AST) future

Reducing complexity and providing insight into software risk, consolidation is the wave of the application security testing future. As the convergence of economic and practical factors increases pressure on organizations to streamline their application security (AppSec) initiatives, consolidation is emerging as a practical solution.

AppSec integrations enable a more secure SDLC

AppSec integrations can help keep development secure at the speed your business requires. Whether you’re building software, selling it, or using it to run your business, in today’s fully digitized environment, every business is, necessarily, a software business. And to keep your business running at the speed today’s competitive environment requires, you increasingly depend on technology.