Cato Networks

Tel-Aviv, Israel
  |  By Angie Oaks
Healthcare and pharma companies are at the forefront of our most important need as humans: saving lives. To succeed, they require highly skilled staff members, medical equipment, drugs and resources. On top of these, there is another equally crucial component that will determine their ability to perform their jobs: their network. A secure, reliable and high performing network will ensure patient safety, data integrity and operational efficiency.
  |  By Assaf Sinvani
“Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair.” The road to becoming a trusted partner to your customers has no shortcuts. As you review your portfolio, filled with various network and IT security solutions you’ve accumulated over the years, you believe each fulfills the needs of your customers. Each solution represents significant investments in resources and efforts to stay competitive and succeed.
  |  By Melisa Sukman Epand
The Paris Olympics are coming up, arousing excitement and anticipation around the globe. As the world’s greatest athletes prepare to compete on this renowned stage, let’s shift our focus to a few of the earliest Olympics competitors – the Greek Gods. These deities, myth says, competed in the ancient Olympics, and later on, the Games were held in their honor. To this day, the Olympics are a global festival of what the Gods symbolized – strength, resilience and elegance.
  |  By Vadim Freger
In the early hours of July 19th, 2024, CrowdStrike endpoints on Windows machines worldwide received a faulty content update, causing what is shaping up to be the one of the largest global IT outages to date. All over the world reports of Windows workstations and servers stuck in a boot loop with a BSOD were pouring in, impacting airlines, airports, banks, hospitals and many other critical infrastructures such as emergency services call centers, and the list goes on.
  |  By Christopher Rudolph
Healthcare information security teams are tasked with a common responsibility: safeguarding devices, services, and patient data; however, they also deal with the unique regulatory and compliance requirements surrounding patient data. Compounding this challenge is the sheer number of branch offices, connectivity to internal- and cloud-based applications, and all of the disparate point products accumulated over time.
  |  By Andrea Napoli
In 2023, the European cybersecurity landscape painted a concerning picture. According to a report in detection, response, and mitigation further emphasized that enterprise cybersecurity implementations were falling short.
  |  By Vadim Freger
TL; DR – Multiple versions of OpenSSH are vulnerable to remote code execution. There is no working public PoC, and researchers have only been able to exploit the vulnerability under unique lab conditions. Cato Sockets by default do NOT have a publicly exposed SSH interface, it is always recommended to keep Cato Sockets LAN interface exposed only internally and use comprehensive network access controls to manage SSH access.
  |  By Shlomo Kramer
SASE is all about strategically solving business problems. The systematic removal of technology barriers standing in the way of business outcomes. It is a brand new “how” (platform) for a well-known “what” (features). When we started Cato in 2015, we were immersed in skepticism. Can you actually build a cloud network that will replace MPLS circuits with decades of proven reliability?
  |  By Dave Greenfield
2024 is expected to be another year of strong growth in the SASE market. Dell’Oro Group predicts the SASE market will surpass $10 billion by the end of the year “representing more than a doubling of the total market in three years,” according to Mauricio Sanchez, Senior Research Director of Dell’Oro Group. Gartner expects the market for SASE to reach $25 billion by 2027. What’s driving this trend?
  |  By Sangita Patel
The concept of Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) promised a revolution in network security. Its core intent: to simplify the deployment and consumption of both networking and security functions. However, does the reality really live up to the initial hype?
  |  By Cato Networks
We put Friedemann Kurz, Head of IT Porsche Motorsport, in the hot seat! From securing high-speed data to celebrating victories, he reveals it all while watching our newest video with the TAG Heuer Porsche Formula E Team. Catch his reactions and insights on why network security is crucial for reaching the podium. Let’s connect.
  |  By Cato Networks
One of the more challenging tasks for managed services partners is the day to day management of licensing and bandwidth. Cato has taken this challenge and, via the MSASE Partner PLatform, turned it into a simple, easy to use dashboard that shows all managed customer licenses, expiration dates, and even whitespace for upsell potential.
  |  By Cato Networks
Through the MSASE Partner Platform, Cato enables partners to do pre-configuration and feature staging prior to a customer account going live. This enables partners to immediately start realizing revenue, without any days lost in staging or pre-configuration. Additionally, customers get the benefit of immediate "day-zero" SASE feature capabilities.
  |  By Cato Networks
Managing multiple customers from a single console is good, but being able to get all of the analytics and usage data all in a single dashboard is amazing. Cato’s MSASE Partner Platform Dashboard provides just that...a single pane of glass to see all of your customer account analytics, with actionable data and deep-linking to the customer tenants.
  |  By Cato Networks
With the MSASE Partner Platform, Cato has redefined what it means to co-brand a product with our partners. Cato allows partners to brand the experience they provide for their customers with custom logos and color schemes, matching the Cato consoles and clients to the partner’s branding.
  |  By Cato Networks
Cato’s MSASE Partner Platform is designed as a full multitenant solution for our channel partners. It is designed to be able to manage multiple customers from a single console, with simple navigation and central dashboards that pull data from all managed customer tenants.
  |  By Cato Networks
Cato's Managed SASE Platform provides our partners the tools and dashboards to manage customer accounts from a single console. Everything from license management to co-branding is available in one place.
  |  By Cato Networks
The NIS 2 Directive aims to enhance cybersecurity across the EU by extending regulations to a broader range of critical infrastructure operators and digital service providers. With a compliance deadline of October 17, 2024, organizations must strengthen their security measures to avoid fines and liability. Even non-EU companies serving EU citizens are affected.
  |  By Cato Networks
It’s Valentine's Day, and we’re all about celebrating the perfect match between our customers and Cato. Join Chris from @Cross Company and Amanda from @Cato Networks as they sit down and share their genuine connection. But… what is the one thing they’re missing?
  |  By Cato Networks
The U.S. FBI and CISA recently released guidance concerning a growing hobby. What are the concerns, and how does it relate to SASE and cybersecurity? Join Bill Carter as he demysifies governmental guidance, and provides you clear steps so you're ready for whatever's next.
  |  By Cato Networks
Organizations require an understanding of the positive ROI implications of security transformation with a holistic, cloud-delivered security architecture. A well-formed security transformation strategy provides an objective cost analysis of potential savings gained by retiring traditional security tools. Understanding how a single converged software stack provides both a financial ROI and a technical ROI will help organizations uncover hidden savings to be gained with their transformation projects.
  |  By Cato Networks
When exploring a revolutionary architecture like SASE, it helps to have specific, relatable examples. SASE overlaps both networking and security spaces, sometimes making it difficult to see the whole picture. In this new eBook, we explore what SASE looks like for 5 different industry verticals: Retail & Hospitality, Manufacturing, Credit Unions, Health & Pharmaceuticals and Technology. Many of the benefits of SASE can provide value to any organization, so even if your specific vertical isn't covered, you should take a look!
  |  By Cato Networks
While organizations realize they must deploy zero trust, knowing where to begin and how to deploy has become an impediment for many. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency (CISA) is one of several zero-trust maturity models that provide organizations with a measurable path to zero trust. The Cato SSE 360 architecture is a secure platform that helps facilitate Zero Trust maturity while delivering complete 360-degree protection for users, applications and data. This white paper will discuss how Cato SSE 360 can help facilitate Zero Trust Maturity.
  |  By Cato Networks
Before SASE, network and network security services were delivered through multiple point solutions, including legacy appliances. These legacy appliances operated in silos and required countless IT resources and attention to deploy, manage, maintain, and replace. Today, some enterprises are still trapped using these legacy appliances, despite their shortcomings. In the parallel, modern world, SASE offers a single cloud-native network and security service for all networking and security needs.
  |  By Cato Networks
Migrating a branch firewall to cloud? Pretty straightforward.... But enterprise security teams often find it challenging when contemplating moving the datacenter FW to the cloud. Unlike the branch firewall or UTM, the datacenter FW is responsible for providing visibility and control over inbound and outbound internet traffic, WAN traffic, vLAN traffic, and more. In this whitepaper, understand all the challenges that come with migrating your datacenter FW to the cloud, in addition to.
  |  By Cato Networks
Your SSE project is right around the corner. Our helpful SSE RFP template allows you to meet both current and future security threats while ensuring that your key business objectives are met. Our template, divided into four sections, provides key questions to incorporate into your SSE RFP. This RFP template will allow you to easily identify.

Cato enables customers to gradually transform their networking and security infrastructure for the digital business. You can address one or more of the use cases below at your own pace. No matter where you start, Cato will support you throughout your journey.

Cato SASE Cloud with SSE 360 provides a global converged cloud-native service that securely and optimally connects all branches, datacenters, people, and clouds. Cato can be gradually deployed to replace or augment legacy network services and security point solutions.

Cato SASE Cloud:

  • Converged: Cato converges SD-WAN and network security capabilities into a single pass architecture.
  • Cloud-native: Cato is built from the ground up as an elastic, resilient, and scalable cloud service.
  • Global: Cato is available across 75+ global PoPs to support any business location or user.
  • All edges: Cato secures and optimizes traffic from all users, locations, clouds, and applications.

SASE, SSE, ZTNA, SD-WAN: Your journey, your way.