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July 2023

Honeypots and Their Role in Detecting Pass-the-Hash Attacks

Deception technology is a cybersecurity strategy that utilizes decoys to gather information about current threats and attack methodologies used by cybercriminals. The premise of this approach is to offer some sort of bait in your network, such as a fake database that looks like a legitimate one, that attackers will find too enticing to pass up.

CVE-2023-36934: New Authentication Bypass Vulnerability Identified in MOVEit Transfer

On July 5th, 2023, Progress Software released a security advisory for a new critical SQL injection vulnerability, CVE-2023-36934, among two other high severity vulnerabilities impacting the MOVEit Transfer web application. These vulnerabilities were responsibly disclosed to Progress Software by researchers at HackerOne and Trend Micro’s Zero Day Initiative.

View vulnerabilities on the Attack Surface page, new Overview, and update to Attack Surface Custom Policies

The attack surface is where you can understand what you have exposed and whether you should take action on it. Previously, users couldn’t see which assets were vulnerable from the Attack Surface view – it was only possible to view vulnerable assets from the Vulnerabilities page, which required more time. Viewing vulnerabilities on the Attack Surface page will help you better prioritize which assets you need to take action on.

3 tips on how to adapt your company to the new PCI DSS security standard

Digital transformation has changed the way people make purchases. The growth of ecommerce has led to credit cards becoming one of the most widely used payment methods, but mismanagement could jeopardize the integrity and security of company and customer data.

Understanding the Differences Between DFARS and CMMC

Cybersecurity challenges continue to grow in impact and complexity, especially as they relate to government and Defence information. In response to increasing hacking and cyber attacks, the Department of Defense (DoD) has released the DFARS and CMMC information management and cybersecurity standards to reduce the risk of system compromises within government agencies and the defense industrial base (DIB) that supports them.

ATM Transaction Reversal Fraud: Strategies to Safeguard Your Finances

Picture a quaint, small town enveloped in the tranquility of a peaceful night. The only signs of life are flickering street lamps and the glow from the neighborhood automated teller machine (ATM). You spot someone approach the ATM, withdraw cash and walk away. It all looks so normal. What you don’t realize is that you have just witnessed a fraud attack, specifically, transaction reversal fraud (TRF).

Is it time for a "cyber defense" strength and conditioning program?

They say the best way to stay healthy and maintain fitness as we age is through strength, conditioning, nutrition, and exercise. In the same way, as organizational cybersecurity efforts weaken with age they need to be analyzed and strengthened. Is it time to regain your organization’s cyber security in the weight room? Is it time for a cybersecurity personal trainer of sorts?

Understanding the Zero Trust Security Model

Are you looking for ways to transform your organization’s network security for the modern era? Zero. Zero. Trust security offers a cutting-edge approach that eliminates implicit trust and requires continuous verification of users and devices. Dive into this comprehensive guide and discover how Zero Trust can revolutionize your security posture and protect your valuable resources.

Why You Should Avoid Copy and Paste Code

So many things seem like a good idea at the time. The Red Sox selling Babe Ruth to the Yankees. Decca Records rejecting The Beatles. “New” Coca-Cola. Blockbuster passing on buying Netflix. The formation of Nickelback. Just popping into Ikea for a “quick” look around. Of course, we know differently. And the same can be said about copying and pasting code.

DFARS Compliance: What You Need to Know

Businesses that work with the US Department of Defense (DoD) and collect, process, transmit, or store controlled unclassified information (CUI) must comply with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS) standards. The DoD has responded to the growing threat of cyber incidents, including cyberattacks from cybercriminals and nation-states, by prioritizing cybersecurity best practices and insisting they are implemented throughout the DoD supply chain.

Insiders' Guide to Advancing Your GRC or Cybersecurity Career

The demands and pressure on GRC and cybersecurity professionals are increasing more than ever before, which means teams need to expand and grow to keep up. However, companies are finding it difficult to fill their open positions with skilled staff. In fact, 80% of GRC and IT security professionals agree that their cybersecurity and risk teams are understaffed, found the 2023 RiskOptics Cyber Risk Viewpoints Report. What does this mean for you?