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Obtaining Fit-For-Purpose Cyber Insurance Amid a Volatile Market

‍After cyber insurance rates skyrocketed from late 2020 to 2022, when the majority of the market had little choice but to switch to a completely remote way of working, prices have slowly started to drop. This new downward trend is promising, as organizations are increasingly searching for the most cost-effective ways to manage their cyber risks and offset potential losses.

Redefining Cyber Insurance to Meet Today's Cybersecurity Challenges

Is Your Business Insurance Keeping Pace with Evolving Cyber Threats? Welcome to another episode of Razorwire! I'm your host, Jim, and today we dive deep into the dynamic world of cyber insurance. Neil Hare-Brown and Matt Clark, two industry experts, join us to share their insights on how cyber insurance has adapted to meet today's security challenges. Tune in to discover how cyber insurance can be an integral part of your organisation's defence strategy and ensure you're prepared for whatever comes your way.
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The Importance of Robust API Security in Insurance

When an incident occurs, from an unfortunate car accident to damaged business equipment, policyholders rely on mobile applications and online portals that collect information, open claims, and process them through automated workflows. Behind the scenes, an insurer's APIs handle what amounts to a policyholder's life story in data.

Six Cybersecurity Insurance Requirements and How To Meet Them

To qualify for cybersecurity insurance, organizations must implement strong access controls, have an incident response plan, use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), provide employees with security training, regularly perform penetration tests and use encryption to protect sensitive data. Continue reading to learn more about the six cyber insurance requirements and how your organization can meet them.

Navigating the cyber insurance maze: How to avoid claim denials

Cyber insurance is a critical form of risk management, designed to mitigate the financial impact of a breach or other security incidents. By spreading the risk, it helps reduce the potentially catastrophic consequences to manageable levels. Cyber insurance is a fundamentally financial tool that is often handled by the financial or insurance arm of any organization, with strong involvement of the cyber security teams. While complex, this blog aims to simplify the essentials.

Cyber Insurance Claims Rise Due To Phishing and Social Engineering Cyber Attacks

New data covering cyber insurance claims through 2023 shows claims have increased while reaffirming what we already know: phishing and social engineering are the real problem. If you’ve read enough of my articles here, you already know my view is a bit skewed towards the need for organizations to be aware of the true dangers of email-based cyber attacks.

What is Identity Theft Insurance? Is it Worth It?

When a data breach happens, criminals may instantly expose millions of personal, financial, and medical information. They can then use that compromised data to break into other systems, help commit consumer frauds schemes, or be sold to the highest bidder. If that compromised information also contains personally identifiable information (PII), those exposed may fall victim to identity theft.