
Tel Aviv, Israel
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‍After cyber insurance rates skyrocketed from late 2020 to 2022, when the majority of the market had little choice but to switch to a completely remote way of working, prices have slowly started to drop. This new downward trend is promising, as organizations are increasingly searching for the most cost-effective ways to manage their cyber risks and offset potential losses.
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Cybersecurity expertise is notoriously absent from the boardroom. Only last year, a market analysis found that a mere 12% of US Fortune 500 companies have a board member with adequate knowledge of cyber risk management. However, increased cybersecurity regulations, coupled with heightened cyber event costs, have begun to highlight the need to rectify this void as soon as possible.
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‍After unearthing evidence as early as May 2024, cloud computing–company Snowflake released an official statement on June 2, reporting that they were investigating a series of targeted cyber events. A week later, Google's Mandiant, who, alongside Crowdstrike, is aiding Snowflake in this investigation, concluded that clients had been attacked after malicious actors had gotten access to compromised credentials.
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‍Determining and disclosing impactful events has been a longstanding practice for organizations operating within the US market. As early as 1933, with the Securities Act, publicly traded businesses were required to disclose “material information” regarding their security environment, allowing shareholders to make more informed investment decisions.
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In March 2022, when the not-so-new-anymore SEC cybersecurity regulations were initially drafted, some argued that smaller reporting companies, defined by having a public float of less than $250 million or an annual revenue of less than $100 million, should be exempt, given the "outsized costs" they faced. Others proposed that these smaller organizations should have a longer disclosure deadline, helping to alleviate the chances of non-compliance.
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‍ ‍ ‍Private equity (PE) firms are becoming increasingly attractive targets for cybercriminals. Malicious actors are keen to capitalize on the ecosystem's access to an incredibly extensive and diverse array of sensitive data, particularly susceptible during and after M&As, as well as the notoriously low cybersecurity measures in place among the smaller businesses that some PE firms chose to hold.
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‍Since the SEC's latest cybersecurity regulations went into effect, thousands of companies have already been compelled to submit their annual Form 10-K with the novel Item 1C. Similarly, dozens of organizations have filed updated Form 8-Ks to disclose cybersecurity incidents. Slowly but surely, these public reports are helping investors become more aware of the intrinsic relationship between cyber risk and market value.
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‍Successful entrepreneurs all have one thing in common: they know how to manage business risks effectively, even as they evolve. Since the inception of the modern marketplace, and arguably before, innovative leaders have been able to assess their organizations' internal and external vulnerabilities and develop mitigation strategies accordingly.
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‍The process of achieving goals, whether long-term, short-term, personal, or professional, starts with harnessing the available relevant data. In fact, the more information gleaned beforehand, the more likely the mission will be a success. However, the details required for devising an effective plan exist at various granular levels, some overarching, focusing on the broader elements, and others more minute.
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‍The power of an on-demand cyber risk quantification (CRQ) platform lies in its ability to harness an extensive amount of data, filter it, and consequently produce an objective assessment that offers key stakeholders an understanding of how likely their organization is to experience certain cyber events, along with the respective financial losses.
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Join us for a monthly insightful session where each month we will: Walkthrough our CRQ platform Unveil exciting new product features (when applicable)
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Join us for a monthly insightful session where each month we will: Walkthrough our CRQ platform Unveil exciting new product features (when applicable)
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Join us for a monthly insightful session where each month we will: Walkthrough our CRQ platform Unveil exciting new product features (when applicable) Conduct Interactive Q&A Session.
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Join Kovrr and Dmitriy Sokolovskiy, former CISO at Avid, as he shares his experience and provides highlights and Insights on his CRQ Journey. Some of the topics that Dmitriy will discuss.
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On Demand webinar on the topic of Leveraging CRQ for Effective Board Level Decision Making.
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By its nature, cyber risk is dynamic. New events happen and evolve all the time, making it difficult for enterprises to financially quantify their financial exposure to cyber attacks. Around two years ago, for example, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks were making headlines, and now ransomware has come into heightened focus. It's reasonable to believe that other types of attacks will emerge in another two years and continue to change thereafter.
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The number of data breaches reported in the first 6 months of 2022 has put this year on track to be the lowest year of reports in the last 5 years for large US corporations. By looking at the rate at which data breach events have been reported so far this year, we predict that the number of events reported is expected to be 15-20% of the number of breaches reported in 2021
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The 2022 Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report (DBIR), the fifteenth such report in as many years, leads off with a startling statistic: Credentials are the number one overall attack vector hackers use in data breaches. Use of stolen credentials accounts for nearly half the breaches studied by Verizon, far ahead of phishing and exploit vulnerabilities, which account for 19% and 8% of attacks, respectively. Botnets, the fourth most common entry path for hackers, represent a mere 1% of attacks.

Kovrr financially quantifies cyber risk on demand. Our technology enables decision makers to seamlessly drive actionable cyber risk management decisions.

Kovrr's Quantum Cyber Risk Quantification platform enables decision makers to understand and financially quantify the changing profile of their cyber risk exposure.

Cyber Risk Management Made Easy:

  • Communicate Cyber Risk in Financial Terms: Enhance the board and C-Suite’s decision-making process by financially quantifying cyber risk.
  • Cybersecurity Investment Optimization: Prioritize and justify cybersecurity investments based on business impacts and risk reduction.
  • Measure Cyber Security Programs’ Effectiveness: Assess the ROI of your cybersecurity program and stress test it based on potential risk mitigation actions, thereby supporting better resource allocation.
  • 3rd Party Vendors Cyber Risk Exposure Analysis: Financially quantify cyber risk within your supply chain. Gain insights Into 3rd and 4th party exposure.
  • Regulatory Compliance and Governance Reporting: Meet increased demands from regulators to continuously quantify and manage cyber risk exposure.
  • Cyber Insurance Coverage and Price Optimization: Identify gaps between risk mitigation impact versus risk cyber insurance spending and needed coverage for 1st party and 3rd party.
  • Quantitatively Benchmark and Compare your Cyber Risk Exposure: Benchmark to your industry peers and internally compare between different business entities in a consistent, measurable and accurate way.

A cyber risk management platform to quantify custom cyber risk scenarios.