Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

Product Release

Splunk Security Essentials 3.6.0: A Holistic View of Your Security

We hope that you had a blast at.conf22 whether you attended in-person or virtually! To keep the good vibes of.conf rolling, we are releasing Splunk Security Essentials 3.6.0. For those new here, Splunk Security Essentials (SSE) is a fully supported app that is available to install from Splunkbase. There is so much to be excited about in this update and we can’t wait for you to make the most of all the new benefits.

Enhance Your Devo Data Search Capabilities with Stat Counts

With today’s expanding attack surfaces and the growing sophistication of adversaries, exploding volumes of data are negatively affecting SOC teams’ success. According to the 2021 Devo SOC Performance Report, 67% of respondents said their lack of visibility into the attack surface makes working in the SOC painful.

New: SecurityScorecard Extension for Chrome

Here at SecurityScorecard, our mission is simple: To make the world a safer place. This mission necessitates that we embrace trust, transparency, and security. In furtherance of this mission, today we released our first-ever Chrome Extension. With the new SecurityScorecard Chrome Extension, you can automatically see the simple A-F security rating of the websites you visit, enabling you to evaluate the risk of the sites you visit before supplying your data to them.

One click to your attack surface: New simplified navigation

Simple and intuitive design is at the core of how we design. That’s why we’ve improved the navigation of our tool so that users can easily access the attack surface and scan settings. Since launching the attack surface view earlier this year, we’ve heard from some users that finding the attack surface view isn’t very clear. This meant some users were missing out on insights across their expanding attack surface, such as open ports and DNS information.

Introducing Styra Run: A New, Holistic Approach To Authorization For SaaS Developers

Modern SaaS applications power the world’s most iconic businesses, and with hundreds of billions of dollars of annual revenue at stake, speed to market without compromising secure operation and access control is essential. Authorization for multi-tenant SaaS applications enables end-users to control ‘who’ and ‘what’ can interact with the application.

New 1Password SIEM integration with Sumo Logic and Panther

Reduce the time your team spends investigating security issues by using a customizable dashboard that shows your organization’s entire security posture. With the new Sumo Logic and Panther integrations for 1Password, you can monitor potential risks around company data or credentials stored within 1Password.

5 Cybersecurity Trends Impacting Mid-Sized Organizations in 2022

Egnyte just released its Cybersecurity Trends for Mid-Sized Organizations report, a mid-year update to its annual Data Governance Trends Report. The study provides key insights into how mid-sized organizations manage cybersecurity amid rapidly increasing cyberthreats. The survey of IT executives underscores their concerns about cyber insurance premiums, content sprawl, incident response plans, and more.

Kubescape: A Kubernetes open-source platfrom providing a multi-cloud Kubernetes single pane of glass

Kubescape is a Kubernetes open-source platform providing a multi-cloud K8s single pane of glass, including risk analysis, security compliance, RBAC visualizer, and image vulnerabilities scanning.

June Product Rollup: eTMF, Desktop and Mobile Upgrades, and More

This month, Egnyte is excited to announce the completion of some major milestones of its Egnyte UI redesign project. Other updates in June include security and governance improvements, a new eTMF app for Life Sciences, a new version of the Desktop App, additional FileGuard app functionality, a fully upgraded Egnyte for Outlook integration, and more. Continue reading for details on all these exciting changes.

Announcing customized role-based access controls for Snyk

As your development and security teams grow, it becomes critical that each of your team members using Snyk has only the required permissions to do their job. You need to ensure everyone can perform their jobs with ease, while also avoiding security and compliance issues. A developer, for example, needs the ability to find and fix vulnerabilities in his code but should not be able to change Snyk billing details.