Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


The biggest threats to your brand in 2021

Last year saw an unprecedented scale of cyber-attacks and data breaches facilitated and accelerated by Covid-19, from scalper bots targeting the PS5 launch to Twitter’s high-profile hack in July. Cybercriminals are upping the ante to capitalise on increased online activity, and automated technology is set to play a huge part in the defence against bot attacks in 2021.

Panel Discussion: Troubleshooting in Fast-Paced Environments

Widespread adoption of agile methodologies, CI/CD pipelines, distributed architectures, and more have enabled software development to reach a rate and scale that would have seemed unimaginable just a few years ago. Of course, along with the benefits of new methodologies and technologies comes a new set of troubleshooting challenges that need to be addressed as well. In this Panel discussion, we'll cover the new challenges in accelerated pipelines and how to overcome them.