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The emerging threat of the cyber pandemic and building a resilient PAM strategy

In this on-demand webinar, our security experts will delve into the emerging cyberthreat trends and core security frameworks, such as Zero Trust and the principle of least privilege (PoLP) to help build a sustainable, foolproof PAM program for your enterprise. In this on-demand webinar, our security experts will delve into the emerging cyberthreat trends and core security frameworks, such as Zero Trust and the principle of least privilege (PoLP) to help build a sustainable, foolproof PAM program for your enterprise.

Catching SSH and RDP attacks without decryption

With the rise in distributed workforces both SSH and RDP connections have proliferated as remote employees connect to sensitive internal environments and machines to do their job. Unfortunately, these remote-friendly protocols are also prime attack targets and once compromised give adversaries a clear path to move laterally, deploy ransomware, and more.

Detect Everything: Bring Google Scale NDR to your Security Operations

Many organizations find that today’s security tools are not built for petabyte scale, long-term telemetry retention and are often cost prohibitive. Ingestion based pricing forces customers to limit what data is collected and retained, resulting in both more false positives and missed valid threats. Learn how enterprises can leverage all of their high-fidelity network data to gain a comprehensive, accurate and real-time understanding of your environment at any scale, on-prem or in the cloud.

Operationalizing network evidence for meaningful outcomes

Organizations are experiencing an increase in both threat volumes and complexity, leaving corporate security teams with the ongoing challenge of balancing workloads across a broader attack surface. IT and security teams struggle to identify all their endpoints and are often unable to install Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) software on every known endpoint device, leaving security gaps that increase business risk. Network visibility is crucial for multi-layer defense and provides critical data to fill endpoint visibility gaps.