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Security Posture of the ASX 200 // Webinar

Are Australian businesses prepared for cyberattacks? We assess the security posture of the ASX 200. In our latest research, we assessed the scale of cyber risk in Australia by examining the ASX 200, the index of the top 200 public companies in Australia by market capitalization. Join Greg Pollock, VP Cyber Research, and Josh Kiff, VP Sales, as we explore the eye-opening findings.

7 Steps to Reducing the Risk of Insider Threats While Offboarding an Employee

There’s a certain type of data loss that presents a unique challenge to the HR department- INSIDER THREATS. Although it accounts for a small percentage of total data breaches, the damage done by an insider is far more detrimental to your business. Follow some or all of the steps listed to combat the exodus of company data that too often happens when employees end their time with a company.

Cybersecurity Insights - Cyber Insurance Now Requires MFA

Recent cybersecurity incidents and ransomware attacks are driving companies to apply for cyber insurance. When doing so, companies have been facing one new prerequisite to become eligible: multi-factor authentication protection of your assets. Companies looking into acquiring cyber insurance need to make sure they won’t be paying high premiums, or even have their applications denied. In this session, you will learn from Alexander Cagnoni, director of Authentication at WatchGuard.

ManageEngine FileAnalysis - A file security and storage analyzer

ManageEngine FileAnalysis helps reduce storage costs by analyzing disk space usage and managing junk, inactive, and duplicate files. It also examines security permissions to locate at-risk data such as overexposed or orphaned files, or files with permission hygiene issues.

Risk Mitigation Strategies for Tcp/IP Vulnerabilities in OT

JFrog in collaboration with Forescout Research Labs recently released the fourth study from Project Memoria - the industry’s most comprehensive study of TCP/IP vulnerabilities. INFRA:HALT covers 14 vulnerabilities affecting the popular closed source TCP/IP stack NicheStack. These vulnerabilities can cause Denial of Service or Remote Code Execution, allowing attackers to take targeted OT and ICS devices offline or take control of them.