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Shielding your Kubernetes runtime with image scanning and the Sysdig Admission Controller

Implementing image scanning on a Kubernetes admission controller is an interesting strategy to apply policies that need Kubernetes context, and create a last line of defense for your cluster. You are probably following the image scanning best practices already, detecting vulnerabilities and misconfigurations before they can be exploited. However, not everything you deploy goes through your CI/CD pipeline or known registries. There are also third-party images and, sometimes, manual deploys.

Cyber Security in 2021: Confident Detection and Response

As the volume and sophistication of cyber threats grow, it’s imperative that companies have the ability to rapidly detect and confidently respond to a variety of threats. Devon Ackerman, Head of Incident Response for Kroll’s Cyber Risk practice in North America shares how security leaders feel their organizations are inadequately resourced to run a mature detection and response program.