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Hacker-Powered Security

This episode is a deep dive into how startups can leverage the power of crowd sourced hackers to find bugs and security issues in your apps. Ben Sadeghipour has over 685 vulnerabilities found in major sites such as Snapchat, AirBnB and even the U.S. Department of Defense, Hacker One helps companies by providing tools to help with response assessments and running their bug bounty programs.

A View of Cyber Security from a National & Regulatory Viewpoint

In this 25 minute video, we take a look at the state of cybercrime and security from a national and regulatory standpoint. We know that there are problems with our existing cyber security - whether that's within CNI and governments or organisations, large or small. The Colonial Pipeline hack is evidence enough.

Introducing Kroll Notification Navigator Technical Demo

Kroll’s third-party breach management platform cuts through the complex logistics of coordinating breach notification for a compromised entity and the consumer-facing organizations with which they work. Watch this video to see how we help clients navigate through the complexities of breach notifications with third-parties.