Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

How Trustwave Accelerates Your Security and ROI with Microsoft's 365 Enterprise Plan

Trustwave's just-released Microsoft Security-focused solutions are designed to bring clients greater security, resilience, and a higher return on their investment by helping optimize their Microsoft 365 enterprise plan. Let's drill down and see exactly how organizations will gain the most from the Microsoft 365 enterprise plan, (including E5 and G5) by partnering with Trustwave.

Psychological Deterrence: Using Simple Tactics to Prevent Cyber Attacks | Razorthorn Security

Learn from Robert Black about using psychological deterrence in cybersecurity. He shares insights on how simple techniques, like the presence of CCTV or symbolic imagery, can influence behaviour and prevent attacks. Discover how these principles can be applied in cyberspace.

UpGuard Summit May 2024 Recap: Automated TPRM

The second UpGuard Summit of 2024 kicked off at the end of May, welcoming security professionals from APAC, EMEA, India, and the U.S. to discuss key developments and strategies across the cybersecurity industry. This quarter’s event focused on third-party risk management (TPRM), specifically how security teams can use automation to eliminate manual work and streamline critical TPRM workflows and processes.

Ultimate Guide to Vendor Risk Scoring

Vendor risk scoring is a critical component within vendor risk management (VRM) or third-party risk management (TPRM) programs and an organization’s overall risk management strategy. Risk scoring is an integral tool in the risk assessment process, helping organizations identify, evaluate, and mitigate potential risks associated with third-party vendors or service providers.

Monitor DNS logs for network and security analysis

The Domain Name System (DNS) translates domain names (e.g., into IP addresses via a process called DNS resolution. This translation facilitates all kinds of network communication, from enabling web browsers to connect to a desired page without requiring users to remember IP addresses, to internal communication across private infrastructure, such as Kubernetes environments.

How to Create Azure DevOps Organization and VS Code Personal Access Token (Visual Studio Code)

Watch the full video for more... About Snyk Snyk helps you find and fix vulnerabilities in your code, open-source dependencies, containers, infrastructure-as-code, software pipelines, IDEs, and more! Move fast, stay secure.

Introducing AI in Tines

Everyone in the market is talking about AI right now. It’s a modern marvel; some say it might even be as big as the Industrial Revolution. We’re not big on grandiose statements like that, but we are big on delivering products that help our customers be more efficient and secure and, as a result, have happier and more engaged teams. That’s why today, we’re excited to announce AI in Tines. Two powerful features to make Tines even more accessible to any member of your organization.

What Udemy is building with AI in Tines

For the security team at Udemy, AI in workflow automation provides an opportunity to unlock new time savings while keeping their organization secure, and protecting their online learning and teaching marketplace of 62 million users. But like all good security teams, they don’t want to sacrifice data security or privacy. AI in Tines, which is secure and private by design, provides that all-important layer of control - data never leaves the region, travels online, is logged, or is used for training.