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June 2024

The Most Common Ways Cyber Criminals Will Target Your Business

Businesses face an ever-growing array of security threats from cybercriminals. Scammers and hackers employ increasingly sophisticated techniques to infiltrate corporate networks, steal sensitive information, and disrupt operations. In 2023, consumers and businesses in the United States reported losing more than $10 billion to fraud and online scams, marking the first time that fraud losses have reached that benchmark. This is a 14% increase over reported losses in 2022.

IIS Host headers - One host, many headers

Most websites do not have their own individual server, instead they share a server along with multiple other websites and applications. All websites hosted from this server will therefore have the same IP address. This can be problematic as the server can’t differentiate which website to serve if many websites are hosted on the same IP address and port. It will serve the default website regardless of the requested domain.

Understanding The Cyber Resilience Act (CRA)

The 2020 EU Cybersecurity Strategy, published by the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, aimed to establish safeguards against security risks arising from increased digital connectivity. As part of the strategy, the strategy included updates to Directive (EU) 2022/2555 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS2).

Emerging Threat: Attackers Target Check Point VPNs to Breach Corporate Networks

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, the tools designed to protect us can sometimes become our greatest vulnerabilities. This paradox is becoming evident as attackers increasingly target Check Point VPNs, exploiting them to gain initial access to corporate networks. Recent findings highlight a growing trend where cybercriminals are leveraging vulnerabilities in remote access VPNs, posing a significant risk to organizational security.

Surge in CatDDoS Attacks: Exploiting Vulnerabilities to Spread Mirai Variant

The cybersecurity landscape has recently been shaken by a surge in activity involving a Mirai distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet variant known as CatDDoS. Over the past three months, threat actors have aggressively exploited more than 80 vulnerabilities to spread this malware. In this blog, we explore the recent CatDDoS attacks, the targeted sectors, and the implications for cybersecurity practices.

A Guide to Vendor Risk Management Reporting in 2024

Vendor Risk Management encompasses a wide range of cybersecurity risk factors. As such, a VRM report design could range from highly detailed to concise, depending on the specific reporting requirements of stakeholders and the board. This list represents the most comprehensive scope of third-party risk management information to fit the broadest range of VRM reporting use cases.

Securing Vendor Risk Management Onboarding in 2024

Onboarding is perhaps the most precarious phase of the Vendor Risk Management process. A single oversight could expose your organization to dangerous third-party security risks, increasing your chances of suffering a data breach. This post explains how to bolster the most vulnerable access points of the vendor onboarding process to help you securely scale your VRM program.

DNS Server Hijacking Explained: Examples & Mitigation

The digital supply chain refers to the chain of third-party digital tools, services and infrastructure that a company depends on for a particular first-party service (such as their website or SaaS platform). In an ever-changing digital landscape, supply chains can be brittle with many unseen risks. The nature of supply chain risk is transitive; any part of the often long and complicated digital supply chain can be compromised, causing all components downstream of it to also be compromised.

Vendor Disruption May Have You Rethinking Your App Delivery Investments

ADC vendor landscape is experiencing a significant change as a result of acquisitions and shifting portfolio priorities among the two largest ADC vendors. That is bringing about uncertainty with customers who have relied on these vendors for their mission-critical application infrastructures. Businesses are built on applications, and for digital-first businesses, they are critical for driving revenue and delivering a positive customer experience.