Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

BDRSuite v7.1.0 is Generally Available Now!

We are excited to announce that BDRSuite v7.1.0 is now generally available! This latest release brings a host of new features, enhancements, and performance improvements designed to provide even more robust and efficient data protection for your IT environment. With BDRSuite v7.1.0, users can expect enhanced backup and recovery capabilities, greater ease of use, and increased reliability.

Introducing the Rego extension for the Zed editor

Let’s go straight to the TL;DR: we have just released a new Rego extension for the popular Zed editor! Providing both syntax highlighting and all the language server features of Regal that were previously available for editors like VS Code, or Neovim. The extension is available from the Zed extensions view, and you’ll find it by searching for “Rego”.

How to Install Ekran System Windows Clients Remotely and View User Sessions

Monitoring user activity is crucial for maintaining a secure IT environment and complying with cybersecurity regulations. Ekran System is a comprehensive human-focused insider risk management platform for monitoring and managing user sessions. The platform lets you view user sessions to analyze employee and third party activity, meet compliance requirements, and protect your data and critical systems from insider threats.

Hunt for Threats Within Backups to Minimize Data Loss and Downtime

Mike Tyson famously said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” After falling victim to a cyberattack, it is crucial for organizations to respond promptly and effectively to minimize damage, recover operations, and prevent future incidents. One of the most critical elements of responding to an incident is the recovery and restoration of affected systems so that business as usual can be restored as quickly and safely as possible.

Celebrating 10 years of Project Galileo

One of the great benefits of the Internet has been its ability to empower activists and journalists in repressive societies to organize, communicate, and simply find each other. Ten years ago today, Cloudflare launched Project Galileo, a program which today provides security services, at no cost, to more than 2,600 independent journalists and nonprofit organizations around the world supporting human rights, democracy, and local communities.

Security Flaws Discovered in Popular WooCommerce Plugin

Patchstack has recently identified multiple security vulnerabilities in the WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates (WZone) plugin. Created by AA-Team, this widely-used premium WordPress plugin has garnered significant popularity, amassing over 35,000 sales. It serves as a crucial asset for website owners and bloggers aiming to monetize their sites through the Amazon affiliate program.

Heightened Exploit Attempts on Check Point's Recent VPN Zero-Day Vulnerability

A significant surge in exploitation attempts targeting a newly disclosed information disclosure flaw in Check Point's VPN technology has been observed recently. This has underscored the urgent need for organizations to address the vulnerability immediately.

Why Choose

Security is a paramount concern in today's online environment. provides robust security features that act as a powerful firewall, safeguarding your IP address from potential cyber threats. By routing your internet traffic through our secure proxies, you can prevent unauthorized access and maintain the confidentiality of your personal information.