Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance

June 2024

Security Testing in Software Development: Assessing Vulnerabilities and Weaknesses

The critical role of security testing within software development cannot be overstated. From protecting personal information to ensuring that critical infrastructure remains unbreachable, security testing serves as the sentry against a multitude of cyber threats.

How to Create a GDPR-Compliant Password Policy?

If your company has ever worked with businesses in European Union countries, you probably had to follow the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This rule, which started on May 25, 2018, gives customers more control over their data and makes data collection and use more transparent. A big part of the GDPR is protecting people’s privacy and data from unauthorized access. To do this, companies need a strong password policy.

Vendor-CISO Dynamics: Building Solutions Through Understanding

Explore the critical relationship between vendors and CISOs with Robert Black. He discusses the need for vendors to understand and address the specific problems faced by organisations rather than just selling solutions. This clip highlights how shifting power back to CISOs can lead to more effective cybersecurity strategies.

CVE-2024-24919: Check Point's Quantum Gateway comes under Attack as Hackers exploit Zero-Day Vulnerability

Check Point Cybersecurity has issued hotfixes to address a zero-day vulnerability in its VPNs that has been exploited to gain remote access to firewalls and potentially infiltrate corporate networks. On 27.04.2024 (Monday), the company initially alerted customers to an increase in attacks targeting VPN devices, offering guidance on how administrators can safeguard their systems.

Strengthening AI Chatbot Defenses with Targeted Penetration Tests

The world is quickly seeing the rise of AI powered customer service. The conversational agent chatbots enhance the customer experience but also introduce a new attack vector. Here's what you need to know about strengthening AI chatbot defenses. Many AI driven technologies have access to vast data sources and access to functions that assist users. AI chatbots can be used in many ways such as answering questions about an item in stock, help develop code, to helping users reset their password.

Navigating the cyber insurance maze: How to avoid claim denials

Cyber insurance is a critical form of risk management, designed to mitigate the financial impact of a breach or other security incidents. By spreading the risk, it helps reduce the potentially catastrophic consequences to manageable levels. Cyber insurance is a fundamentally financial tool that is often handled by the financial or insurance arm of any organization, with strong involvement of the cyber security teams. While complex, this blog aims to simplify the essentials.

The password problem: Why organizations are going passwordless

Knowledge is power, right? Well, yes – except when it comes to access and authentication. That’s because knowledge-based factors, in the form of passwords, are making organizations less powerful, and more vulnerable. As a result, many are looking toward a future beyond passwords. You may have seen the Forrester report estimating that 80% of security breaches involved privileged credentials.

Strengthening compliance and risk management with Elastic Observability: A case for India's banking sector

In navigating the complex landscape of regulatory compliance and risk management, India's banking sector faces unique challenges, particularly in meeting directives outlined by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT-In). As organizations strive to adhere to these stringent requirements, Elastic Observability emerges as a powerful ally, offering advanced log analytics capabilities tailored to address regulatory mandates and mitigate operational risks.

Building Cyber Resilience Amid Azure Migration

With ransomware increasing and a complex, business-critical cloud migration on the horizon, BSM, one of the world’s largest shipping companies, was seeking a solution to monitor its environment for potential threats, both now and in the future. Working with Kroll gives the company greater visibility across its global network of offices and ships to better detect and respond to threats.

Generate Security Audits - What you need to know

The Generate Security Audits security policy setting determines which accounts can be used by a process to generate audit records in the Security log. When certain events occur such as unauthorized access to a computer, file and folder access attempts and security policy changes, the Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) writes these events to the log. This information in the Security log can be used to trace any unauthorized access to the system.