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June 2024

Creating a new LLM connection with Motific

This demo highlights how Motific simplifies the journey of requesting a GenAI application, going through the approval process, connecting it with the right information sources, and provisioning an application to meet business requirements. With Motific, you can gain flexibility without complexity for easy deployments of ready-to-use AI assistants and APIs.

DevOps Lifecycle Explained: Definition, Phases, Components, and Best Practices

With constant developments being made in the area of software development, both development and operations teams are now inseparably tied in their processes, and this has become a vital factor for their success. In recent years, DevOps, a concept built from the words’ developer’ and ‘operator,’ was developed as a new way of working that intelligently integrates these two essential functions throughout the software delivery process.

Malware vs Virus: Similarities and Differences

With new technological advancements continuously emerging, cybersecurity is becoming a paramount concern for individuals and organizations alike. Among the plethora of cyber threats, two terms are often used interchangeably, i.e., malware and virus. However, the fact is that these are not the same and have distinct meanings. The term “malware” can be used for any sort of virus, but viruses can not describe malware types.

PowerShell Code Signing Best Practices for Signing Your Script

PowerShell is a powerful tool that is used for automating monotonous and time-consuming tasks. However, using these without code signing can leave you vulnerable to cyber-attacks. This blog will explain the PowerShell code signing best practices for signing your script. Let’s begin!

Five new vulnerabilities found in Zyxel NAS devices (including code execution and privilege escalation)

During some standard research as part of the Outpost24 Vulnerability Research Department, I discovered 5 vulnerabilities in Zyxel NAS devices: The vulnerabilities were disclosed to Zyxel on 2024-03-14 as part of our responsible disclosure policy, and have been resolved at the time of publishing this post (2024.06.04).

Bring-Your-Own-Data (BYOD) to the Kondukto Platform

During this year’s RSA conference in San Francisco, we announced our new exciting platform capability: “Bring-Your-Own-Data” (BYOD), which allows customers to integrate their unique data-streams into the Kondukto Platform. Integrating diverse sets of data has become critical for AppSec. “Bring-Your-Own-Data” drastically improves the visibility for security teams into the application security stack of complex environments.

Top 5 Most Commonly Used IoT Protocols and Their Security Issues

What happens when devices meant to make your life easier become tools for intrusion? Your smart TV could become a surveillance device, your fitness tracker could leak your health data, and your connected car could be remotely hijacked. In the world of IoT vulnerabilities, the technology designed to serve you could turn against you. The Internet of Things promises convenience and connectivity. The risks of cyberattacks targeting these devices are growing exponentially.

The new normal of remote work and the need for Zero Trust

The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a seismic shift in how we work, propelling remote work from a niche option to the mainstream. Organizations scrambled to adapt, often prioritizing business continuity over security. However, as the dust settles, it's clear that this new normal of remote work isn't going anywhere. This presents a significant challenge: how do we secure a workforce that's no longer confined within the traditional office perimeter?

Navigating the complexities of enterprise networks with DDI solutions

The landscape of enterprise networks has evolved significantly to accommodate the increasing demands of modern businesses, driven by digital transformation, cloud computing, and the proliferation of mobile, BYOD, and IoT devices. Enterprise networks house large-scale communication infrastructures used by businesses to connect various IT systems and devices across multiple locations. As these networks grow in complexity, the need for efficient management and robust security becomes paramount.

The Rise of the Co-author: Will AI Invade Our Writing Space?

The writer's life has always been a dance between solitude and collaboration. We yearn for the quiet focus of crafting a sentence but also crave the spark of shared ideas. Now, a new partner enters the scene: Artificial Intelligence. AI writing assistants are rapidly evolving, blurring the lines between human and machine authorship. But will these tools become our unwanted and uninvited co-authors, or can they be valuable collaborators, enhancing our creativity?

It's A Fact: Forward Networks Delivers Customers an Average Annual ROI of $14.2 Million

To objectively understand how increased efficiency translates to measurable ROI for enterprises, Forward Networks engaged IDC Research to determine the business value of the platform. After interviewing existing customers, they produced the IDC Solution Brief, The Business Value of Forward Networks, (US52128624, June 2024). The paper delved deep into the experiences of Forward Networks’ customers who leverage the digital twin technology.

Credential Theft Protection: Defending Your Organization's Data

Cyber attacks often begin with reconnaissance. Before they launch an attack, threat actors poke and prod at an organization’s defenses, looking for vulnerabilities. If you’ve invested in robust cybersecurity solutions, you may feel you’re protected against that threat. But what if your attackers don’t target your corporate network? What if, instead, they target your employees? And what if your employees don’t even know they’re being targeted?